GIANTS OF SCIENCE: Blueprint For Courageous Action CD (Buy it and get a Free additional CD!). Loud, heavy rock n roll. Australian import. Check audio


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GIANTS OF SCIENCE: Blueprint For Courageous Action CD
The art of guitar-rock driven around melody and not anger seems to be lost; at least somewhat. Bands like Giants of Science, however, are working to keep the sound alive, expanding beyond the typical guitar-rock structure, experimenting a bit while bringing it into the realm of indie rock. The outcome is a loud, heavy rock ‘n’ roll experience that also has a lighter side, playing their loose-ness in their favor. This is melodic, hooky, and rocking, though it never comes across too strong, backing off when them momentum builds, teasing you before jumping right back into the rock.

+ GIANTS OF SILENCE: The History of Warfare CD  £0 13 song (full album) Free promo disc, but you have to ask for it to be included in your order, otherwise it will not be sent out.


Blueprint For Courageous Action by Giants Of Science

Track # ~ Title
1 Complete This Progression 3:34
2 Traveller 3:27
3 Distractions 4:17
4 The Letter B 5:24
5 Window Seat 6:37

Release Date November 7, 2006
Duration 23:16
A Brisbane rock band of no small reputation, Giants of Science have been trading in high volume, riffy, IHR (Intelligent Hard Rock) since 1999. Have supported McLusky, the MC3 (Dennis/Kramer/Turner), Radio Birdman, The Bellrays, Fronte End Loader and heaps of others. Voted “”Best Band In Brisbane”” by local svengali and drummer to the stars Nick Naughton. A good deal of rum on board, nerds.”

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