STATE CHAOS: Ashes Of Misery CD. Melodic Death Metal. Free for orders of £35+ Check all songs (audio)


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Melodic Death Metal with Groove influences from Netherlands (Maastricht, Limburg)


Remco – vocals
Mischa – guitars
Rocco – guitars (Callenish Circle, Form, Chemical Breath, Retribution (Nld))
Maurice – bass
Richie van Gestel – Drums

Ashes Of Misery Tracklist:
1. Into The Ashes (great sound)
2. Desecration Of Life (great sound)
3. To Die Again (great sound)
4. Ashes Of Misery (great sound) (awful sound – live video performance)
© 2006.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Erwin Hermsen at Toneshed Studio, Horst, the Netherlands, December 2006.

enormous display of talent
So.. now Callenish Circle had broken up and I had felt like finding some new material, I tried out this band called State:Chaos. I was hoping to find some similarities, especially because one of CCs ex-members is now a part of this one and I was not disappointed. The funny thing about State:Chaos in comparison with Callenish Circle is probably that strengths of Callenish Circle are easily being beaten by this band. Sadly this also counts for the weaknesses.

When it comes to the instrumental action, I was not just surprised but really blown away by the skills and technics they include in their songs. The sound is very up-beat and fast in almost every song and sometimes it seems that drummer and guitarist are trying to compete who has the better technical experience and outgo. The solos are insanely well performed and you can also easily tell that there has been focused on the guitar parts. Mainly because the guitar is a bit louder and clearer than everything else.
There are also some negative aspects and the worst one is probably the voice performance. Listening to a lot of different bands in this genre, I thought a few vocalists are hard to understand but this guy exceeds everyone. Putting a lot of effort into trying to find out what the songs were about, I was not able to understand a single word. I have to admit, I´m not the best in understanding growls in general but this guy is insane! Luckily the songs are not filled with a lot of vocal action and more charged by guitar solos and different melodies. One little minus point I have to mention concerning the structure of the songs, because they are very alike.

All in all I think it´s a great demo and I´m looking forward to listen to more pieces of the band´s work.

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