MINDFUNK: Dropped [tape Cassette] 1993 Megaforce Records UK. Check the exclusive video showing this tape for sale. Nirvana Soundgarden guitarist! (Nirvana – Bleach album), M.O.D., Ministry, Zoetrope members. Check samples and video


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Medieval Death LP and free DVD + Mordicus “Rights ‘n Trials” LP. Official videos, audio, info.

Check the exclusive video showing this tape for sale

Check the exclusive video showing this tape for sale

Medieval Death LP and free DVD + Mordicus “Rights ‘n Trials” LP. Official videos, audio, info.

This was a band that had blown my mind some twenty years ago when my then teenage self would stay up all hours of the night watching Headbanger’s Ball and rocking out to videos like the one for their song “Big House Burning,” which was in heavy rotation at that time.  Straddling the line between quirky, off-beat funk and distortion laced metal…think Faith No More meets Soundgarden…Mindfunk were one of the first bands to scratch the surface of the mainstream, while managing to jettison the silliness of 80’s pop metal in favor of a more sinister, more real message, vibe and perhaps most importantly sound.
A sort of musical mutt, for lack of a better term, the band featured members from a number of other semi-well known acts.  Vocalist Patrick Dubar had previously performed in the straight edge, hardcore band Uniform Choice.  Guitarist Louis Svitek (who would eventually join Ministry) had played together with bassist John Monte in the seminal NYC thrash band M.O.D., and both Monte and guitarist Jason Coppola spent time in another 80’s thrash band, Chemical Waste.  And perhaps most notable, drummer Reed St. Mark was known for his stint in pioneering metal band Celtic Frost.  To say that this was an eclectic bunch of musicians would be quite the understatement, and the batch of songs that would end up on their first album serves as confirmation of that sonic diversity.
Beginning life under the moniker Mind Fuck, the band was quickly scooped up by major label Sony/Epic and then just as quickly forced to change their “offensive” name prior to the 1991 release of their self-titled debut…ergo Mind Funk.  Listening to the album now, it’s interesting to hear the last vestige of 80’s extravagance (take a listen to the pseudo-ballad “Sister Blue”) give way to the gloomy heaviness that defined the 90’s grunge era (listen to “Woke up this Morning”).  Just check out a song like “Bring It On” or “Blood Runs Red” where the band combines the funky fun of early Red Hot Chili Peppers with gargantuan riffs and equally weighty lyrical content.  Mind Funk’s debut album, is an aural time capsule of the transitional musical period from which it spawned and for that reason alone is worthy of your attention.
Unfortunately, it failed to move an acceptable number of units in the eyes of the band’s label and on the eve of the release of their follow-up album, the newly named Mindfunk were unceremoniously dropped.  By this point in time, a slight name change wasn’t the only alteration to the band as guitarist Jason Coppola and drummer Reed St. Mark were replaced by Jason Everman (of Nirvana and Soundgarden fame) and Shawn Johnson respectively.  Unfaltering, the new lineup proceeded to land on their feet by inking a deal with Megaforce Records, who subsequently released the band’s 1993 sophomore effort, which was aptly titled Dropped.  The album, which was produced by the legendary Terry Date (Soundgarden, Pantera), showed the band evolving beyond the funk influences heard on their debut and gravitating more towards the distortion laden grooves and sludgy riffs of grunge.  You’d do well to give a listen to this one, especially tracks like “Goddess,” “Mama, Moses and Me” and “11 Ton Butterfly,” as it definitively fits the mold of what Heavy Planet is all about.
Prior to recording the follow-up however, both John Monte and Jason Everman would leave the band, the latter rumored to have joined the Army Special Forces of all things.  After filling the void at bass with Frank Ciampi, the band soldiered on as a four-piece and eventually headed back into the studio to record what would be their third and final album.  People Who Fell from the Sky was released in 1995 by the Music for Nations label.
Mindfunk paved the way to what we’re listening to today.  Mindfunk were undoubtedly a band that did that.  Their combination of hardcore sensibilities, funky rhythms and grinding guitars helped to thrust heavy music away from the hairspray and fluff of the 80’s and into the grit and grime of the 90’s.  Go get your mind fucked…err…funked.

Label: Megaforce Records ‎– TZAZ 3
Format: Cassette, Album
Country: UK
Released: 1993
Genre: Rock
Style: Grunge
A1 Goddess 5:17
A2 Closer 5:31
A3 Drowning 6:33
A4 In The Way Eye 5:40
A5 Zootiehead 4:14
A6 Wisteria 7:02

B1 Mama, Moses And Me 4:32
B2 11 Ton Butterfly (Two-Ton Hat Vibe) 6:39
B3 Hogwallow 5:04
B4 Billygoat 5:18
B5 Hollow 8:38

Playing time: 64 min.

Distributor: Universal Distribution

  • Bass, Backing Vocals – John Monte [also with M.O.D. (Method Of Destruction), Ministry, Dragpipe, Evil Mothers, Sun Red Sun]
    Drums, Percussion – Shawn Johnson [Also with Mos Generator]
    Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Acoustic Guitar – Louis J. Svitek*   [also with M.O.D. (Method Of Destruction), Ministry, Zoetrope, Revolting Cocks, Pigface ]
    Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals – Patrick R. Dubar* [also with Uniform Choice, The Killing Flame, Corporate Avenger, Unity]
    Jason Everman (guitar, vocals)

Dropped, Mindfunks second album, is by far their best. It draws influences from the (then hugely popular) “”grunge”” movement (distorted guitars, angst filled lyrics, etc.). Dropped sounds a lot like an early Soundgarden album, which doesn’t come as a surprise seeing as it was produced by Terry Date, who produced “”Louder than Love”” and “”BadMotorFinger””. This is not to say they plagiarised anything from this or any other band.

Mindfunk is sometimes refereed to as a ‘b-level supergroup’ due to the fact that during their existence they had members of Celtic Frost, Soundgarden, Nirvana, M.O.D. and Ministry. Jason Everman was in both Soundgarden and Nirvana ; he was in Nirvana during most of the first half of 1989 and played about 30 shows with them.

The vocals, provided by both Jason Everman, Louis Svitek, and Patrick Dubar are really solid. The lead vocals are really strong, with a filling backing vocals. This helps complete the music, and add an extra dimension. Though, on some songs the vocals seem to cut through the music and instead of flowing with it.

The guitar work is pure grunge, as mentioned above. Though the guitars possess a more metallic edge than some other similar bands. This helps make the music closer to a metal band than a “”grunge”” band. The bass is heavy and fluid, a bright spot really, one of the few things that doesn’t seem totally taken from another band. The drums are solid, but sometimes the seem to be pushed back in the mix.

The Production is really good. Terry Date helps provide a solid groundwork for MindFunk to work around. From my description you might think that this is just a copy of some “”grunge”” album, but, in reality it just takes a lot of influences from them and mold them into something similar but at the same time different.

My favorite songs are “”Goddess”” into “”Closer””, which are bridged by a distorted guitar, and give it a more organic feel (not to mention the insect/nature effects at the beginning of “”Goddess””). The first half of Dropped is really strong, not to say the end half isn’t but it feels less focused. Also “”Drowning”” is a decent song, with a catchy chorus. Another decent song is the thrashy “”Mama, Moses, and Me””.

In all this is a really good album if you are into this era of music. Also if you really like Soundgarden this a great band to check out. Overall Dropped is an slightly above average album from what you might call a “”b-level supergroup””.


5.0 out of 5 stars Dropped is an overlooked heavy rock gem,
Now you’d think by now, that a rock album made in 1993, would have dated pretty bad. This hasn’t. It sounds like it could have been made yesterday. Every song on the record is plodding heavy rock gem. I’ll compare them to Soundgarden and Tool because of their subtly distinct melodic -> heavy sound.
Their first album was catchy when released, but ultimately dated because the production was too early 90s and gimmicky. Dropped ditched the production gimmicks for pure rock: Guitars, bass, drums, and sublime vocals.
Favorite tracks – all of them – just consistently good.


5.0 out of 5 stars A forgotten masterpiece,
This surely is one of the most underrated releases of the 1990s. I can only agree with J Wells, that this sound as fresh today as it did nearly 15 years ago. friends of mine have raved about Altar Bridge and the like, so I played them Dropped – Ooops! Yes dudes this is where it came from!
The songs are individual masterpieces, especially the opening duo of Goddess/ Closer that run into each other and I tend to consider them as one epic anthem. Drowning is truly classic melancholic rock with fantastic vocal delivery and incredible guitar interplay that more texture than shred but impressive all the same.
Mama Moses and Me is a real stand out track which has one of the funkiest metal riffs of all time.
The production on this album is PERFECT. It been my reference point for anything I’ve done in the studio since 1993. The only album that comes close for production is Badmotorfinger.
If I were the record label, I’d re-release it and market this to all the kids of today as if it were a new band. The world was not ready for this in 1993, it is now!


5.0 out of 5 stars Buy this masterpiece now!,
I can only echo the sentiments of other reviewers here. This album has depth, groove and vibe a mile wide, a forgotten masterpiece of the 90 which sounds as fresh today as it ever did, in fact it gets better with time. Terry Date production is fantastic (responsible for Soundgarden – Badmotorfinger as well). I have two copies of this on CD and two copies on double vinyl…. yes, it THAT good! Do your ears a favour and add this classic psychedelic doomy grunge masterpiece to your collection.

KERRANG No.338 Apr 1991. Excellent condition with posters. Check exclusive video showing all pages! Mindfunk, Morbid Angel, Jane’s Addiction, AC/DC, Zappa, Marillion, Tyketto, Annihilator. Posters: Iron Maiden, King’s X, Mr Big

MINDFUNK: Mind funk CD (s.t, 1st, debut) 1991 USA. Unique, pioneering band. Members of Celtic Frost, Nirvana, M.O.D., Ministry, Zoetrope, Francis X And The Bushmen. Check videos

FRANCIS X AND THE BUSHMEN: Soul incest 12″ LP. Goth Rock with original CELTIC FROST drummer Saint Marc (Reed St. Mark). Check audio. Post-apocalyptic punk psychedelic rock tribe.

SUN RED SUN: Sun Red Sun (1st, debut, s.t) CD 1995 Original, 1st press. Badlands, Rainbow, Black Sabbath members. Check samples.

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