MESS AGE: Self convicted CD death/thrash metal from Poland. Nergal of Behemoth guests. Check video


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Mess Age do have one prodigious aspect attributed to them: they are a band who are fun to listen to. 5 lads from Poland playing an infectious brand of death/thrash metal that is traditional and turns back the clock. Self Convicted is pure enjoyment to listen to. Self Convicted is so damn catchy and enthralling to listen to that it is almost impossible to sit or stand still. Every riff and every note is backed by expert guitar playing and contagious vocals from Raaf (which incidentally are not much different to the roaring done by Daemon on Zyklon’s  World Ov Worms, although far more upbeat and not as morose). The drumming is truly cool and has the same sort of production values as what Nick Barker’s did on Puritanical Misanthropic Euphoria; making you want tap your hands on your knees, beat your feet on the ground or even slap your girlfriend on the ass to keep in time with the skin beating of Otwieracz.

Track Listing: 1. Among The Empty Walls 2. Fulfilled With Nothing 3. Infected By Deflections 4. The Existence Door 5. C.O.L.D. 6. Post Scriptum 7. Devoured With Famished Eyes 8. The Scarlet Rings 9. Kill The Falsehood 10. Waiting For Miracle

Nergal of Behemoth appears on the track “”Kill The Falsehood””.

Total playing time 41:32 Booklet and back have punch holes.

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Weight 0.1 kg


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