Country of origin: Sweden
Location: Norrköping
Formed in: 2000
Genre: Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Genre: A.O.R / Hard Rock CD
Release date: 2003
Duration: 40:02
Category: Melodic Rock
Label: Slick City Slackers Production
Catalog Number: SCSP-001
1. Tricky
2. Book Of Shadows
3. Sands Of Time
4. Blue Collar Proud
5. Hypnotized
6. Alison
7. Coldblooded Lover
8. Sleepwalking
9. Born Yesterday
10. In The Heat Of The Night
Duration 39:55
Robin Vagh guitars, producer (also with Optimystical “Distant Encounters” album)
Jonas Blum vocals (also with Reptilian (2 albums), with Majestic (1 album), with Optimystical “Distant Encounters” album, and with Pole Position (2 albums)).
Anders Rosell drums (also with Optimystical “Distant Encounters” album and with Bonafide “Lost In A Foreign Land (CD)“)
Jan-Ake Jonsson bass (also with Optimystical “Distant Encounters” album)
Tom Rask keyboards (also with Optimystical “Distant Encounters” album, also with Marenne and the album The Past Prelude, also with Mannerheim (2 albums)).
Noomi Stragefors additional lead vocals on Alisson
Magnus Hedin additional backing vocals, producer
Decent 80s flavoured hard rock with some good guitar riffing. I really hate comparing bands so I won’t. It is well worth tracking down ….
The guitars are the definite highlight of this album, the riffs are outstanding and some of the hooks are BIG, though in fairness the album does fall flat in a few places and those looking for originality might not be as impressed. I think the male vocals are stronger than some have indicated for this band, though the dudes range is fairly limited. Check out the first track “Tricky,” an excellent up-tempo commercial MHR song, and the opening to “Book Of Shadows” is right out of the “Dio- Holy Diver” playbook (very cool)…..The online price, unfortunately, isn’t so cheap anymore but it is a nice addition to the collection if you can get it for under $30 IMO……Jeff.
the girl who sang the very nice ballad “Alison” is quite good (Noomi Stragefors )…and now about the songs, the second half of the album is the one that brings the bands best shots starting with “Alison” and followed by “Coldblooded Lover”(nice song too),”Sleepwalking”, “Born Yesterday” & “In The Heat Of The Night”(if we are talking about AOR then these tracks are the closest to it)…”Tricky”, “Blue Collar Proud” & “Hypnotized” are the “rocky” ones…90/100
VAGH is here to make you remember the 80s. The sign is definitely catchy hooks. We love the sound of roaring drums, screaming guitars and slick keyboards, all in a mix with a lot of choruses to sing along with. AOR with heavy metal guitars !!!
Fantastic retro-Metal from this new band. Just discovered the band though the CD´s been out for a while. Go for it ! Great attitude
I really think this is a great CD. It´s so fresh and unconcerned. Gives me good vibes of the 80´s. GOOD 80′ MELODIC ROCK/AOR
Really good 80s European Melodic rock/AOR Album. for lovers of early Treat/TNT/Fate…try it!!! Good song writing
I like this CD. It has a live feeling over it. Good song writing for sure. The sound could be better. Typical indie. Worth the money. Buy it ! Very catchy
“sands of time ” is very catchy indeed. Amazing song writing and that heavy guitar work. Time to get your own copy ! Try it , you´ll like it
A damn good 80´s styled CD. Songs you will remember. i think this debut is really promising. the most memorable tunes are “Hypnotized”, “Born Yesterday” and “Coldbloded lover”. try it , you´ll like it !!!
Apreciable debut de esta nueva formación sueca liderada por el guitarrista y compositor Robin Vagh y secundada por el vocalista ex-Majestic Jonas Blum. Vagh practican un hard rock melódico con una orientación evidentemente ochentera deudora de bandas europeas de rock melódico como Europe o Treat y añadiendo unas pequeñas gotas de metal clásico de los 80.Tiene indudable mérito atreverse con un estilo en clara decadencia comercial desde hace bastante años y que en la actualidad no arrastra demasiados fans pero que seguramente algunos de vosotros apreciareis. La razón principal es que “Sands Of Time” aglutina suficientes argumentos para echarle un vistazo.
Canciones pegadizas, bien elaboradas con gusto y clase y acomodadas en una notable producción, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que es su primer
lanzamiento. El power- pop de “Tricky”, que abre el álbum, se te introduce rápidamente en la cabeza y poco a poco van cayendo los restantes 9 cortes a cada cual más pegadizo. “Book Of Shadows” tiene una base eminentemente metálica a lo Sabbath/ Dio aunque los matices la acaban orientando hacia el rock melódico. “Sands Of Time” es una de mis favoritas, rockera con un estribillo muy pegadizo (una virtud casi permanente en la mayoría de los temas), huyendo de la influencia europea y acercándose al AOR yankee.
El medio tiempo “Alison” introduce un cierto aire a lo Heart, debido principalmente al toque femenino que le imprime la vocalista Noomi Stragefors que interpreta integramente el tema. “Coldblooded” o “Born Yesterday” con una preciosa melodía de guitarra también consiguen enganchar a la primera escucha. Sin duda alguna, la aportación del teclado en el álbum es decisiva y necesaria, relegando a la guitarra a un segundo plano en gran parte de los temas y dotando a los temas de una mayor musicalidad.
De todas formas personalmente echo en falta algo más de potencia en algunas de las composiciones de la banda (aunque esto es gusto personal) y en el plano técnico algo más de intensidad en los solos, que en ocasiones se quedan a medio camino, pero nada que objetar a las melodías de guitarra que están realmente bien. Por lo demás, “Sands Of Time” dejará satisfechos a los amantes del rock melódico de toda la vida y apunta en letras grandes a Vagh como una de las bandas que más tiene que decir en este estilo.
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