Space Probe Taurus (Swe) Promo Cd-r demo 2001 The Fuzzrock masters Space Probe Taurus have released a brand new thing a 4 track promo that is not for sale. The band have been quite active lately,first they recorded their debut single for GameTwo late 1999 that will soon be released. Last year they made 3 livegigs including a appearance at the Dist festival, before the third gig they sacked their bassplayer Johan Carlsson of Sparzanza helped them out with just that particular show. Pretty soon they found a permanent bassplayer in Magnus Eronen previously in Tailpipe and Moaning Wind. The next thing they did was a contribution to the Hellbilly Release Metalbox that have just been issued and now they are also included on the Meteor City release I am Vengeance. SPT made this promo just recently. Kicking off with Taurus Dig The Lizard; a MC5/Stooges similar track, a perfect opener.Hard,mean and fuzzy. Psi-burn is another hitter a smoking boogie ride with a more spacerock approach, it could be a perfect jamsession of Hawkwind and Blue Cheer in 1969. Crystal Mountain Revolution have a more heavier feel a larming psyched out tune again with a tremendous fuzzy garage feel. The final Black Mars is another smoking mindblaster, hard heavy mean and evil. The production is amazing here Ola Sjöbergs vocal delivery really smokes, the twin guitarwork by Sjöberg and Boder is very tripping and the backing from Sundler and Eronen makes this promo into a fuzzed out ass-kicking monster.Labels should check this promo out. SPT´s next plans is to send this promo out to various labels and the long awaited single is soon to be released by GameTwo.
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