ROGUE NATION: The Sedition CD Hatebreed H.C for the socially conscious. Cover of Bob Marley


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This is Hatebreed for people who are socially conscious. Made up by former members of Figure Four, another Canadian band that also mysteriously sounds a lot like Jamey Jasta and Co., Rogue Nation deliver their debut album. The music, as you have been able to discern by now, is brutally heavy yet somewhat unimaginative. The Sedition is a call for revolution.The driving rhythm section is present and it does not let up. The guitars are heavy and provide a tiny bit of melody to the overall juggernaut of sound that Rogue Nation puts forth. The one highlight of the album comes with the song The Sedition, which slows down a tiny bit, and then it ends quickly, giving way to the hidden track. This song is a cover of Bob Marley’s “Iron, Lion, Zion”. If you consider yourself a fan of Hatebreed, you should not have a doubt in picking this album up.

1.Code Orange (2:17) 2. Wasted Life (2:18) 3. Time of Prophecy (2:05) 4. Code Red (2:42) 5. Farewell (2:20) 6. Giv’er (0:43) 7. Porcelain (1:52) 8. Cult of Gold (1:36) 9. Open Minds (1:42) 10. Victory Day (1:40) 11. Dead Eyes (3:34) 12. Sedition (7:06) +++ BONUS HIDDEN TRACK: Iron Lion Zion (Bob Marley cover)



5.0 out of 5 stars Best new Hardcore band you haven’t heard about.
first off let me say. I have been listening to punk rock now for 14 years of my life and I picked this album up by chance on my travels to Canada. and this is by far the most complete and impressive debut album i have heard in years.
Rogue Nation plays heavy hardcore in the vein of Hatbreed and Madball. I know what you think they sound like now.. but they don’t at all. and the lyrical quality of this band is far superior then any of their genre counterparts. Intelligent socio political and if you get into them you will catch the spiritual essence of the
The first track “”code orange”” blazes through in the traditional heavy hardcore style then stops for a brief moment while the line is uttered “”and you’ll hear these million whispers become one million screams”” then goes into one of the heaviest break downs of any of the new breed of hardcore bands. This sets the tone for the rest of the record
on track 3 “”time of prophecy”” the opening riff makes you want to break everything in sight. then it goes into this very tragedy like part where there is creepy voice track which on the first listen made the hairs stand up on my back.
track 4 “”code red”” is my favourite track because the singer of my favourite band Chris Hannah from Propagandhi sings on it. The lyrics are really good and they deal with the treatment of arabs and muslims during the post 9-11 frenzy.
track 5 “”farewell”” introduces Rogue Nations Melodic edge. with clean vocals. this is a prelude of what is to come on the remaining songs
the sixth track “”give’r”” seems to be influence by early fast hardcore very bad brains
trak 7 “”porcelain”” is an energetic hardcore song that makes me wish I was 18 again so i can do those crazy kung fu dances that american hardcore kids do. very high pace makes you want to bang your head.
track 11 “”dead eyes”” shows rogue nation talents from the first chord it pounds out heavy-melodic with the unforgettable lyrics “”I chose ONE LOVE”” not what you would expect from Heavy Mosh bands nowadays and ends up with female vocals. This song has to be one of the most innovative Hardcore songs that is out there right now.
the final track “”the sedition”” kicks in with the double bass and pounds right through here the singer shows more of his range from hardcore screaming to a very hip hop part. and the outro leaves you thinking that you want more
just when you think i could not get any better there is a secret track that just happens to be a cover of Bob Marley Iron Lion Zion that has to be the best if not only reggae-hardcore cover ever. brilliant. it includes guest vocalist sean muttaqi who used to sing in the infamous Vegan Reich.
if you don’t know this band get to know them. If you like heavy music that never gets boring(like so many hardcore bands these days) and intelligent revolutionary lyrics that seem to be missing from today current hardcore scene.
do what ever you can buy it.”

ROGUE NATION: The Sedition CD Hatebreed H.C for the socially conscious cover of Bob Marley

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