If you want classic rock, you got it. Get up, and get your grandma outta here; those L.A.-based Brit scalawags THE ROCKING SCOUNDRELS are back with their third album. And for those of you that seek tree-hugging commentary, jabs at political leaders, or new age herb tea enlightenment in your music, this stuff may not be for you. From note one, these guys deliver a straight-up, high-energy take on classic rock like AC/DC, The Who, Ramones, Slade, Hellacopters, Sex Pistols. The vocal harmonies are sweet, the production crisp, and it all sounds familiar and fun on first listen. Plus, you get the vibe that these guys have been slugging it out in the bars VAN HALEN-style for years, cutting their teeth on tons of covers. Good Time is a simple, bleacher-thumping rocker that’s anything but pretentious and everything that’s delicious. Baja Riders puts the pedal down with a gorgeous open-voiced Angus riff, settling into your psyche like a puff of second-hand smoke. And Jo Mo Song sounds like a bonus track from a re-mastered copy of Sladest The cover of THE WHO “”Sparks”” is like the cherry on the sundae. I could keep going, but I think you get the idea.Excellent.
1 I Wanna Ride
2 I Wanna Know her Name
3 Good Time
4 Baja Riders
5 Jo Mo Song
6 Lazy Days
7 Motorbike Rider
8 Ace Motorcycle Cafe
9 Road to Hell
10 Baby Please
11 Dont Let Me Down
12 My Kinda Woman
13 Sparks —> cover of THE WHO
14 Subterfuge
Take no prisoners rock ‘n’ roll – addictive songs with infectious guitar riffs.
From note one, the Rocking Scoundrels deliver a straight-up, high-energy take on classic rock like AC/DC, THE WHO, and SLADE. With great vocal harmonies and production, the CD sounds familiar and fun. “”Good Time”” is a catchy, simple, thumping rocker that has `hit’ written all over it. “”Baja Riders”” puts the pedal down with an Angus style guitar riff, and “”Jo Mo Song”” sounds like a SLADE hit from the 1973 era! The cover of THE WHO “”Sparks“” is spontaneous, exciting, and I’m sure would make Pete Townsend proud. There are 14 songs on this CD, every one of them a real gem, you won’t be disappointed. Long live rock `n’ roll!
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