DEFENDERS OF METAL VOL. 1 – THE SEDUCTION [This eighteen track compilation is a good opportunity to listen to diverse metal genres and to listen to bands that you didn’t know before. Here we have bands like Jester’s Moon , Metharia or Sabatan and the instrumental power metal of Moonlight Agony from Sweden, the eighties sounding speed metal of The Prowlers or even the rocking sound of Element from the USA.
1- JESTERS MOON “Forbidden”, 2- MOONLIGHT AGONY “Moonlit Horizon”, 3- THE PROWLERS “Incubus”, 4- ELEMENT “Pressure”, 5- MADOG “Heart of Dragonsteel”, 6- HELL CANDIDATES “Dead Keep Dyin?”, 7-ANTARES “Shutting the Door”, 8- Dr. MASTERMIND “Haunted”, 9- METHARIA “Riflesso”, 10- VICTIM “Bedlam”, 11- ART OF FEAR “Pride of Creation”, 12- STILL LIFE “Illusions”, 13- RAPID FIRE “Liegia”, 14- STAIRWAY “Under the Gun”, 15- RAIN “Only for the Rain Crew”, 16- MERCURY RAIN “Bride of the Dark”, 17- SABATAN “Terror Mind”, 18- BABYLON “The Sleeper
18 True Metal songs by 18 True Metal Bands from around the world! 1. Forbidden Jesters Moon USA 2. Moonlit Horizon Moonlight Agony Sweden 3. Incubus The Prowlers Italy 4. Pressure Element USA 5. Heart of Dragonsteel Madog Austria 6. Dead Keep Dyin Hell Candidates USA 7. Shutting the Door Antares Poland 8. Haunted Dr. Mastermind aka Matt McCourt USA 9. Riflesso Metharia Italy 10. Bedlam Victim USA 11. Pride of Creation Art of Fear Austria 12. Illusions Still Life USA 13. Liegia Rapid Fire Poland 14. Under the Gun Stairway UK 15. Only for the Rain Crew Rain Italy 16. Bride of the Dark Mercury Rain UK 17. Terror Mind Sabatan Spain 18. The Sleeper Babylon
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