Genre: Grindcore, Label: Relapse, Playing time: 57:37.
CEPHALIC CARNAGE is sick, and I mean sick, like no one else. A High impact dose of unique sounds combining various styles of heavy music with elements of jazz-fusion and an ultra-keen sense of progression. Cephalic Carnage bend genres with wild counter-rhythms, exceptional musicianship and hairpin twists and turns.
Has a punch hole in the bar code.
relapse records
Release date
13 Sep 2011
Running length
16 tracks
Track listing
1. Scolopendra Cingulata
2. Fortuitous Oddity
3. Anthro Emesis
4. Isle of California, The
5. Pseudo
6. Friend of Mine
7. Rebellion
8. Zuno Gyakusatsu
9. Black Metal Sabbath
10. Cannabism
11. Lucid Interval
12. Misguided
13. Redundant
14. Arsonist Savior
15. Untitled
Playing time: 57:37
5.0 out of 5 stars Progressive Madness! & Genius!,
“”Lucid Interval”” Cephalic Carnage’s third release is a mind- blowing musical work.A scorching combination of mangled Death Metal riffage and blistering drum work that have been filtered through a sieve of progressive musicality.What emerges from this smouldering heap of scattershot rhythms and contortionist song structures is a sonic beast of the most erratic yet crushing nature. For the duration of “”Lucid Interval”” we are assaulted with pummelling yet intricate percussive dexterity , thick waves of guitar wattage that spew forth off-kilter rhythmic bombardment and of-course a fun yet chaotic nature that influences the albums ebb and flow. “”Lucid Interval”” is unique and intense yet fun , not to mention the freakin’ blisterin’ production job and what you have here is sumthin’ for the entire family. Fabulous!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Listening to this may impair your ability to…….operate a vehicle or heavy machinery. Why? Because trying to keep up with it while trying to do anything else can only lead to disaster. This isn’t the kind of music you listen to in the car on your way to your job at IBM. While the name of the band is a reference to the effect that massive doses of pot can have on the brain, I can only surmise that this album was recorded while these gentlemen were COKED OUT OF THEIR F**KING SKULLS. This is one of the most insane albums I’ve ever heard. This is not a huge “”head-banging”” album. It’s technical, but I don’t know why “”technical”” sometimes has to translate to “”random and incoherent”” with certain metal bands. I guess I can’t hold too much against them. After all, they are my CO bretheren. Give this a listen if you want metal that is totally off the map and you’re stoned off your ass.
Album notes
Cephalic Carnage: Jawsh (vocals, bass); Leonard (vocals); Zac, Steve, (guitar); John (drums).
Editorial reviews
…A masterwork of Autobahn-style speed and out-from-left-field jazz breakdowns…
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