1999 re-issue “Never Is Forever” is one of the true lost classics. Originally released by the band and a friend in Oslo in early 1994 in 1.000 copies on CD only, at a time
when nobody would even touch it due to the fact that it was so wrong trendwise. When the rest of the punk oriented world tried hard to be lo-fi and “real”, Turbonegro as usual went the opposite way, creating a miniature suburban deathpunk opera. Seldom have pop culture, darkness and desperation blended so well, this is a truly brilliant record from the band we have all come to fear and love. The re-release comes with new Derrick-style artwork and remastered sound
This album – “a tribute to Blue Öyster Cult” as claimed by the band themselves – is an attempt to dissociate from the Lo-Fi estethics of the garage scene: “When the rest of the punk oriented world tried hard to be.
Four songs from the Grunge Whore EP are also included here. As well as a hidden track that features Bingo singing “Staten Och Kapitalet”, a 70s radical left-wing progressive rock tune by BlÃ¥ TÃ¥get made into a national hit song in Sweden in 1980 by punk rock band Ebba Grön, plus bits of Evel Knievel performing a couple of country ballads.
Never Is Forever is a searching rock disc recorded and issued initially in 1994. Though not as punishing, loud, or clearly directed as the follow-up, Ass Cobra, it is nonetheless a powerful document, even if Turbonegro is clearly still searching for their ultimate voice. To that end, the band experiments with some delicate acoustic arrangements, soaring pop/rock anthems, and heavier tracks that could have found a home on Ass Cobra. This is clearly the bands most reflective and — dare it be said — melancholic statement, and even though the guitar pyrotechnics offered by Euroboy, who would join the group for Apocalypse Dudes, are absent, the songwriting is developed and mature. “Nihil Sleighride” is as cold and convincing as they come. An album later, the basic aesthetic was installed — all bandmembers dressed Clockwork Orange-like in full-denim regalia — and Euroboys stinging leads pushed the arrangements past the final hurdle.
Track listing:
“Letter From Your Momma” 2:16
“Suburban Princes Death Song” 3:36
“Ãœbermensch” 3:37
“I Will Never Die” 3:54
“No Beast So Fierce” 3:54
“Destination: Hell” 3:23
“Timebomb” 3:18
“Pain In Der Arsch Pocket Full Of Cash” 1:31
“Hush, Earthling” 3:14
“Nihil Sleighride” 2:59
“(Hes A) Grunge Whore” 4:37
“Black Chrome” 2:26
“Oslo Bloodbath Pt. II: I Don’t Care” 2:44
“Oslo Bloodbath Pt. III: The Ballad Of Gerda And Tore” 24:26
“Satan Och Kapitalet” (hidden track)
Hans Erik – vocals
Rune – Guitar
PÃ¥l – Guitar/Vocals
Bengt – Bass/Vocals
Thomas – drums
Ã…sgeir Knudsen – Additional instruments on “Letter From Your Momma”
Although the recording sessions took place at a time when they had opted for “Stierkampf” they returned to their former name Turbonegro again for the album release. Its initial working title “Diary From A Female Prison” was later switched to “Never Is Forever”, the chorus line from the song “Nihil sleighride” – a tune with evident references to Blue Öyster Cults “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper”.
The Bitzcore Records re-issue comes with new sleeve artwork designed by Dimitri ‘from Oslo’ Kayiambakis showing German TV detective superintendent ‘Derrick’ Horst Tappert holding a gun to his head. Furthermore the CD traycard depicts a photo montage of PÃ¥l imitating H.M. Schleyer (president of the German employers association) as abducted by the R.A.F. terrorists in 1977. According to Happy-Tom this “was a special greeting from the other members of the band, regarding PÃ¥ls newly found role as owner and operator of Pamparius Pizza.
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