Why you SHOULD buy our olive oil.

Almost everyone knows or can easily find why consuming olive oil is vital for your health (as it has many medicinal values). Check this helpful two minute introductory promotional video for a quick reminder.  You will immediately realise what type of olive oil we produce:

– That’s right, we produce
low acidity
chemical free
extra virgin
olive oil.
It is a Single Estate olive oil. We can only serve up to 10 private customers per season. We don’t produce enough oil to sell to businesses.
The oil comes from one plot (one field, one olive grove), so it is not mixed with other olive oils of unknown origin (which is the case with the mass produced olive oil).                                                                             Our trees never get sprayed with chemicals. We only ever use a brush cutter (to get rid of the weeds), a hand saw and a pole saw (to cut branches). That’s all.

Location of the field.
the field is in situated a remote area of Western Crete. We have clean air, heavy rainfall during the winter and a lot of sun for most of the year. Perfect location, ideal growing conditions! We are based near the oldest olive tree in the world! Check this article –> world oldest olive tree, Crete Greece

Perfectly maintained field.
An incredible amount of time and effort goes into the maintenance of the trees and the land. Bugs thrive in trees that are not maintained properly and have thick foliage (too many leaves and branches). If the sun’s rays and the air can’t go through the foliage, the bugs will stay on the olives and feed off the olives and survive the intense summer heat.                                                                                                                                                  Trees that host bugs, produce low quality oil (the acidity of the olive oil increases). To avoid the use of chemicals, organic growers like us have to constantly maintain the olive grove properly; and that’s exactly what we do.

The acidity of the olive oil that we produce ranges from 0.2% to 0.3%, which means that we sell the absolute best quality of ORGANIC olive oil that money can buy.

Our oil is cold pressed.
Our oil is slowly pressed in a small traditional pressing plant that focuses on quality (not volume). It is extracted in low heat, so all the vitamins are kept intact and the oil has a distinct, strong taste with a kick. Producers that have small olive groves consume their own olive oil, share it with their families and friends and sell the rest of it.

CHECK the 12 seconds video below, to see how our local traditional pressing plant operates:

– It is stored in a cool dark place, in air tight containers.

It is stored in tins that are easy for the customer to use. Please note: If stored properly the olive oil is not going to go bad, so buying more than you would normally buy from your local supermarket, makes sense. You can store it under your kitchen sink AND put more of it in your food (which will massively improve the taste of your food). You could also give some of it to friends / family as a present.

When you buy our olive oil:

Step 1: Our oil is pressed at the pressing plant. 
Step 2: We send it to you using a courier company (it travels by air, then a courier bring it to your door), or a removal company that we work with (it travels by van, then a courier bring it to your door)

It will still be fresh and … brilliant, when you consume it! 

We can’t keep any stock in storage for a long time. (Even if we wanted to, we simply don’t have the necessary storage facilities to do so).

GO TO THE MAIN PAGE:  https://yperano.com/ooo/