Most olive oil is terrible; you should NEVER buy it.

The mafia is selling you dangerous olive oil. Shops and supermarkets are part of the mafia!

Press play and watch the part where olive oil is mentioned.

It is not just what the mafia does, you have to take the following into serious consideration:

1) Conventional producers that mass produce olive oil, use tractors to spray their trees with chemicals / pesticides. They avoid having to employ the big number of land workers that is necessary for the proper maintenance of olive groves. So they save a lot of money by not employing manual labourers and just spray chemicals that kill the insects that attack olive trees. However, their olive oil inevitably contains chemicals and pesticides, which are detrimental to the consumers’ health and well being.

2) You should know that most supermarket / mass produced and distributed “extra virgin” oils, have an acidity of just below 2%. High acidity equals terrible quality and a product that shouldn’t be consumed.

3) Many “extra virgin” oils are mixed with “refined” oils. Have you noticed that most brands never reveal the acidity or the exact origin of their oil! They have every reason to keep consumers uneducated, confused and unaware of the dangers of buying and consuming such awful oils!

So, the term “extra virgin” is very deceptive and shouldn’t be used for oils of such poor quality. At some point, the olive oil industry should implement some standards just like the alcohol industry did. How come consumers know the volume of the alcohol that they drink, but can’t get any info on their olive oil that they consume?

4) Mass produced olive oil comes from many different fields, is sprayed with harmful chemicals, and then it gets processed in big pressing plants that extract the oil using high temperatures. So the taste of the olive that you buy is blunt, neutral and unspectacular.

5) This inferior “supermarket type” of olive oil is also sold in plastic bottles (in most cases). The molecular structure of plastic bottles can deteriorate fast without any warning, plus that deterioration is NOT visible to the naked eye, so the customer can never tell what is going on and to what degree the olive oil will get contaminated.

6) By the time you consume it, it is certainly too old, too rancid, because it takes forever to move around.                                                                                                                          Did you notice that the production day is never mentioned in the bottles of the olive oil that you buy? If an accurate production day was ever mentioned, this info would look terrible to the consumers!

Here is how long it takes before you can have it at your kitchen table:

Step 1: A Greek olive producer (Greece is the 3rd biggest producer of olive oil in the world)  is selling his crop to the nearest pressing plant. The pressing plant stores that olive oil along with the olive oil of hundreds of other producers, in huge tanks (really huge silos), until -many months down the line- an Italian importer (Italian merchants are the biggest buyers of Greek oil) visits the pressing plant, sticks a deal and signs the necessary paperwork.
Step 2: The oil is eventually moved to Italy, then once again it sits in some other tank (silo), until…
Step 3: that Italian merchant negotiates deals, and slowly starts selling the vast quantities that he has acquired to different countries around the world.

Step 4: At some point the supermarket chain that operates in your country, buys
Step 5: then distributes it in shops around your country.
Step 6: At some point, it reaches the storage area of your local supermarket.
Step 7: At some point it goes to the shelves.
Step 8: at some point an unlucky customer buys.

Unfortunately, by this time, the olive oil has zero nutritional value as it is too old and rancid. Even if it is not 100% rancid, it is way too old for the price that is sold to you. So as a customer you always get a rotten deal.

(By the way, even the expiry day that is mentioned in the bottles that you buy is random and completely meaningless. It is absolutely impossible to know or tell exactly when the oil was originally produced, let alone determine the actual current condition of the olive oil that was moved around so many times and was storage in so many different places).

So, the supermarkets profit by selling awful oil that is somehow advertised as extra virgin olive oil! Any money that they can make selling bulk rancid oil of unknown origin, is certainly great money for them.

The unlucky customer however, as always, blissfully unaware, spends good money on a product that is practically unusable and should be thrown to the nearest bin. Yes, you can buy olive oil for very little money, but this is because the supermarkets still have lots of leftover stock of nasty oil.
BY THE WAY: Pretty soon even that terrible leftover stock will be depleted because in the recent years, the stock of olive oil is fast diminishing due to the extremely hot weather that has decimated olive crops world wide. So expect prices of every type of olive oils (good, average and very bad) to go up and up. Nothing can change the trend of rising olive oil prices.

THEREFORE if price is your only concern, the only metric that you are using to buy olive oil, then by all means, keep buying the cheapest rancid olive oil available to mankind.

You will worry about the money that you did not spend (when you still had the chance) at a later stage in life.

One of the reasons for relocating to this part of the world to grow olive crops, is because we have lost a lot of friends to cancer and that still hurts.

Unfortunately, they were prioritizing cheap options over healthy options, their eating habits were terrible, so they ended up spending their money for cancer treatments instead, but it was a futile exercise. At the end they didn’t survive.

Our advice to you is to prioritize your health and buy the best quality of olive oil that you can afford. Cheap olive oil is always bad olive oil. Buy good olive oil from us.