Label: Self-released/independent
1. Vindictive
2. Sadistic Realms
3. Burning Rage
4. Global Black Morning
Marcel Swinkels Bass (1999-present)
See also: ex-Yarreth, ex-Sapiens End
Benny Bats Guitars (1999-present)
See also: Visceral Bleeding, Unlocked, ex-Prostitute Disfigurement
Sebastiaan Bats Guitars (1999-present)
See also: ex-Shining, ex-Abhorrence
Joost Aanraad Vocals (1999-present)
Dirk Verspaget Drums (2005-present)
See also: ex-Depredation, ex-Beaverstore, ex-Abaddon
After the split-up from the band GODEN in December 1998, the guitarists and drummer continued writing songs.
The band was reinforced by an ex-MINDGRINDER as grunter. The ex-bassplayer from YARRETH completed the band
in February 1999. TOMBE was born. After a few months of rehearsal and a gig, it became clear that the drummer
didn’t fit in TOMBE due to musical differences. The ex drummer from GODEN and TWISTED TRUTH, Rob Wensink, replaced him.
Martelgang April 2001
Tombe – Enter the Tomb Eigen beheer Godver, is dit nog wel dezelfde band? Jawel, het is nog steeds het Eindhovense Tombe dat mijn speakers een tijd terug serieus aan het trillen wist te brengen met hun Cdemo-debuut ‘Beauty of Suffering’. Niet dat het vijftal er met ‘Enter the Tomb’ enigszins op achteruit is gegaan, hoor. Absoluut niet; vanaf het moment dat de eerste noten van ‘Vindictive’ met strak geregisseerd sadisme tegen mijn trommelvliezen trappen, is het duidelijk dat de band er heel wat op vooruit is gegaan sinds de eerste cd. De Death Metal is beduidend zwaarder, Amerikaanser en sneller geworden, zonder aan melodie in te boeten. Want dat Tombe op melodieus vlak van wanten weet, bewees ze op ‘Beauty…’ al en dat talent is alleen nog maar verder uitgediept. Bovendien heeft men er een aan de Thrash Metal ontleende agressie aan toe weten te voegen en het resultaat is een zeer puike Cdemo, die je doet balen dat hij maar een kwartier duurt. Met het debuut presenteerde Tombe zich als een band die zeer de moeite waard was – met ‘Enter the Tombe’ kan niemand er meer omheen.
Anton: 9 [Terug naar boven]
Musketeer of death May 2001
this smashes you right in the face.
A great wall of sound produced by heavy drums, tight played guitars and a hell of a grunt floats in to your ears when the first song appears. They overwhelm you with brutal thrashy death, which can’t stop your head of banging up and down. They really can create their “danceable” live sound on this album. And thats one to lick ones lips. Intensive melodic guitar parts, fulfilled with lots of breaks and solos combined with fabulous drumparts of an outerspace animal called “Rob Wensink”. And the gore deathgrunt of Joost is even filthier than before. In every single thing on this CD they made a progression and it all sound even more melodic without losing any brutality. You really have to order this demo, because this could be a collectors item in the near future when this band will have their break-through.
STARGAZER July 2001 (Italy)
Death metal con venature thrash, questo e’ quanto ci propongono i Tombe, e anche se non c’e’ nessuna traccia
di originalita’ nella loro proposta, dobbiamo ammettere pero’ che questa band sa il fatto suo e sa come legnarci
a dovere con la propria musica. Ad iniziare il massacro ci pensa la terremotante “Vindictive”, dove veniamo assaliti
da ritmiche thrash devastanti e dai rabbiosi growls di Joost Aanrad. Bellissimi stacchi e stop’n’go rendono molto
interessante questa canzone, con l’inserimento anche di alcuni screaming alle vocals. Si prosegue quindi con
“Sadistic Realms” ed anche qui i temi non vanno certo smorzandosi, anche se ci troviamo di fronte ad una classica death metal song, questi quattro ragazzi danno veramente una bella prova delle proprie capacita’ compositive. Molto belle infatti le evoluzioni della chitarra solista che si lancia in un riffing dai tratti melodici ma veramente entusiasmante. Con “Burning Rage” riaffiorano invece gli elementi thrash insiti nel songwriting dei Tombe,ecco quindi riff meno asfissianti ma piu’ veloci ed intensi, con la chitarra solista sempre una spanna sopra gli altri strumenti seguita da delle sfuriate molto interessanti, dove il vocalist da’ una bella prova. Molta bella anche la parte centrale cosi’ coinvolgente ed emozionante che ci trascinera’ in un turbine senza fine.
Ecco quindi arrivare il momento conclusivo di questo disco con la stupenda “Global Black Morning”, con la quale
si prosegue nuovamente all’insegna del death metal piu’ intransigente, con riff asfissianti ed una base ritmica
monolitica che non lascia alcun respiro. Terrificante il lavoro svolto dalle chitarre e dalla base ritmica che in questa canzone sembra quasi diventino un tuttuno. Mid-tempo asfissianti si susseguono a veloci sfuriate, tutto per cercare di fare quanto piu’ male possibile all’inerme e malcapitato ascoltatore! Ottima ed incisiva la prova offertaci dal cantante che ci sommerge con i suoi growls assasini per la pura estasi degli amanti delle vocals gutturali! In conclusione ci troviamo di fronte ad un ottimo disco, che certamente non aggiunge nulla a quanto e’ stato gia’ proposto da band piu’ affermate, ma che sicuramente proietta i Tombe verso un futuro piu’ che luminoso e se qualcuno avra’ il coraggio di puntare su di loro sono sicuro che questa band dara’alle stampe un ottimo debut. Per il momento promossi a pieni voti in attesa di poter ascoltare il meritato full-lenght che a questo p unto diventa un obbligo!!!
VOTO: 1/1 Tonyevol
English translation:
Fucking Death Metal, that is what Tombe shot up in our faces and if someone will say that theres no originality in their musical proposal we have to answer that this is not a problem, because this band know very well what hes
doing and how to hit the listener with their music ’till his head will explode! The massacre start with the earthquakely opening track “Vindictive”, where we will be seized by hellish thrash rhytmics and by furious growls of Joost Aanrad. Beautiful stop ‘n’ go and also the presence of some screaming vocals make more interesting this song, that at the end will be one of the best song present on this album. Then follows “Sadistic Realms” and also now we have to fight with an other aggressive death metal song, where the four guys show to be great musician. Infact there are beautiful guitars melodies and rhytmics and the solo guitar make notes on notes very beautiful and dragging. With “Burning Rage” the thrash aspect of Tombes music will be shown again, so expect guitar riffs rawless but more intense and speedy. One time again very good the job done by the solo guitar, and also very interesting the furious outbursts that follow some melodic moments, where Joosts vocals find their top inspiration. Very good the central part of this song so involving and exciting that will guide the listener in a whirl of feelings without end. So, unfortunately arrives the final song of this good MCD, the beautiful “Global Black Morning”. A song that shows the extreme death metal attitude of this band, that shows no compromises, with asphyxiating guitars’ riffs and a drumming that hit every time more loud.
Unbelievable the job done by all the instruments in this song that for few seconds are really only one thing. Hellish mid-time will follow annhilating outburst, because the only intent of this guys is to kill every listener! At this time the vocals part are the best of all the album because of Joosts slayerish growling vocals that will sweep away everything! So at the end we have to say that Enter the Tomb is really a very good album, that surely will not say nothing more respect what have done other bands more famous, but at the same time this album is a very good starting point for the future of this band.
And if someone will be so fucking intelligent and with the courage to give them a chance, than I’m convinced that Tombe will pubblish a real good debut album. For the moment I will promote them with the maximum rate and I will wait for their debut that after listening to Enter the Tomb, as I said before, is really a duty!
VOTO: 1/1 Tonyevol
Lords of Metal July 2001
Dennis : Tombe is een death thrash metal band uit Eindhoven met ex-leden van o.a. GODEN en MINDGRINDER. Twee jaar geleden brachten ze de 5-track demo “Beauty of Suffering uit, waar ik helaas niet zo bekend mee ben. (Ooit wel eens gehoord, maar dat is al weer een tijdje geleden). “Enter the Tomb” is dus hun tweede demo, opgenomen in de Markant studio te Heeze in Januari van dit jaar. De jongens van Tombe laten een frisse mix van thrash en death metal horen. De vier nummers op deze DemoCD zijn over het algemeen highspeed, afgewisseld met wat langzamere stukken. De grunts van Joost zijn als typisch death metal te omschrijven, maar zo af en toe vind ik ze een beetje monotoon klinken. Jankende gitaarsoli, een lekkere pot uptempo drumwerk en catchy gitaarmelodieen ronden het geheel af. Jammer dat de demo maar 15 minuten duurt, ik had nog wel wat meer Tombe
Centra productions July 2001 (Indonesia)
TOMBE – “Enter The Tomb” 1st Demo CD 2001 This is another unsigned band hailing from Eindhoven, after I heard
all tracks in this CD it seems its a great old school death metal Dutch band I ever heard after Gorefest latest effort, the most important thing is Tombe didn’t played in the same way with typical death metal Dutch band, in my point of view this band was influenced by British old school death metal bands such as Benediction with melodic yet in guitar riffs and some beatdown part, this CD contain four tracks of pure death metal with deep grunts vocals in the death/grind style mixture high pitched style, the structure of musical really pure death metal with less grind touches, for those are familiar with British old school death metal band will be know what to expect their first act. I like their début effort, they’re tried to played different style in their scene, death metal fans should be check this one out!!
Klokradios Power hour July 2001
a mixture of thrash and death metal and especially the influences from Destruction (“Sadistic realms”) and Possessed (“Burning rage”) struck me. When it comes to the vocals Tombe is more of a typical old school death metal band with Joosts death grunts. I think Massacres Kam Lee and the distorted vocals of old Carcass and Dead Infection are among his favourites. This is so professionally done that I would be surprised if they won’t be signed by a record company soon.
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