Steve LUKATHER: Candyman CD PROMO Signed, Autographed 1st press, original. Toto guitarist etc.


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Candyman, recorded and mastered from March 1993 through November 1993, was a collaboration of musicians who were for the most part also in Lukathers band Los Lobotomys. Toto familiars Simon Phillips and David Paich participated as well as David Garfield, John Peña, Chris Trujillo, Lenny Castro, Larry Klimas, Fee Waybill, Richard Page, and Paul Rodgers. Lukather recorded the album in mostly live takes with little overdubbing.


Steve Lukather Vocals, All Guitars
John Pena Bass
David Garfield Piano, Keyboards
Simon Phillips Drums
Chris Trujillo Percussion
Lenny Castro Percussion
Larry Klimas Sax
David Paich Organ On Track 5
Paul Rodgers Vocals On Track 2
Fee Waybill Backing Vocals
Richad Page Backing Vocals
Kevin Curry Backing Vocals

1. Hero With 1000 Eyes 6:30
2. Freedom 4:07 Cover: Jimi Hendrix
3. Extinction Blues 4:59
4. Born Yesterday 7:07
5. Never Walk Alone 9:42
6. Party In Simons Pants 5:45
7. Borrowed Time 7:20
8. Never Let Them See You Cry 5:03
9. Froth 9:40
10. The Bomber 5:31 Cover: The James Gang
11. Song For Jeff 7:08

Total Running Time: 72:52

5.0 out of 5 stars Solid 2nd Solo CD from Toto Guitarist,
This is a great rockin’ CD from Steve Lukather. This is a solid follow up to his first solo CD ‘Lukather’ from 1989. This sounds similar to the music style on Toto’s Kingdom of Desire CD from 1992 and Totos ‘Tambu’ CD from 1995. Steve has a great backing band on this one including;Simon Phillips of Toto on drums,David Garfield on keyboards,John Pena on bass,Lenny Castro on percussion. Luke lays down some solid guitar rhythms and solos as only he can. There are 11 tracks on this CD, 3 being instrumental tunes, and 8 tunes with Steve on lead vocals. A must have for Toto and Luke fans.
5.0 out of 5 stars CANDYMAN – STEVE LUKATHER,
Following the tragic passing of his dear friend Jeff Porcaro in 1992, and having taken on Totos lead vocal duties on the hard rocking Kingdom of Desire album and extensive world tour, Luke turned his considerable energies to his second solo album. His legendary mega session-guitarist status aside, most would recognise Lukather for his Toto ballads “I won’t hold you back” and “I’ll be over you”. Candyman, the title a tribute to his iconic hero Sammy Davis Jnr, allows Lukather to stretch out beyond the more pop/rock orientated Toto material and display his outstanding talents in a completely different context. Demonstrating a new drive and energy in both his vocals and guitar playing, Candyman also features his Los Angeles club jam band Los Lobotomys, with Simon Phillips (who replaced Jeff Porcaro in both Toto and Los Lobotomys), David Garfield and John Pena. Lukather pays homage to Hendrix on a hard rocking cover of “Freedom” with backing vocal assistance from Paul Rodgers (Free/Bad Company). “Red House” is also available on an import release of Candyman, billed as Los Lobotomys. The album features the truly awesome 17/8 frenzy of “Party in Simons Pants” and according to Lukather, a tribute to Steely Dan in “Born Yesterday”. Naturally, Lukathers melancholic and reflective mood is captured in “Borrowed Time”, “Never Let Them See You Cry”, “Never Walk Alone”, “Extinction Blues” and the Jeff Beck inspired emotional outpouring of “Song for Jeff”. A ballsy cover of Stephen Stills “The Bomber”. “Froth” is reminiscent of the original live all instrumental Los Lobotomys album of 1989. From the first riff of the heavy fusion track “Hero With a 1000 eyes” Candyman sets its stall: a brilliant collection of highly emotional material and the finest musicianship.
5.0 out of 5 stars Just can’t stop listening,
I just can’t stop listening to that ‘Extinction Blues’ and ‘Never walk Alone’. This Rock , fusion, blues album has been one of my favourites since I got it. I love guitars and boy can Steve Lukather play 🙂 and Simon Phillips on the drums definitely gives this album the rhythm… The instrumentals really showcase these artists genius. If you like Toto you should like this album, especially if you like their more recent work with Steve on vocals. Its a nice addition to my collection, with a little extra emotion and edge because that’s Steve’s style I guess 🙂
5.0 out of 5 stars There are guitar players… and Lukather,
On Candyman you can hear the real Steve Lukather, groovy, jazzy and of course his trade mark rock sound. This is probably the best guitar album of the 90s. Luke has that power, every of the songs has a special flavor on it… definitively Steve is the best guitar player on the contemporary rock scene, he has shown that highly. buy this one, you won’t regret, it will be sounding in your mind for a long time after you have turn your stereo off.
This album contains two Hendrix tracks that are fresh, vigorous renditions. Phew,the second track ‘Freedom’ just kicks and I think Luke’s vocals are excellent for this type of material as he slurs Jim’s lyrics with a menace and attitude. Just listen to the snare and bass kicking-in with intensity at the bridge as they are about to sing “keep on pushing straight ahead”.

The third track “Extinction Blues” could easily have been recorded alongside any of the “Kingdom of Desire” or “Tambu” tracks – this is pure Toto sound, mixing tight harmony vocals over a bed of resounding rock replete with climbing instrumental interlude. ‘Born yesterday’ is one of the lighter tracks more in the style of a shuffle. Having said that the attitude is still Luke having fun with guitar theatrics all over with the nastiest tube tones around. (Even on the proverbial ballad “Borrowed time”, Luke sails into the stratosphere with a moving acoustic guitar solo which comes across magnificently in 5.1 sound. To me this musically is a little repetitive and probably goes on for two minutes too long. The great recording saves this.)

“Party in Simon’s pants” is a monster drum guitar fest – pure fusion workout that hinted at what was to come later with Simon’s “Dave’s gone skiing”. As Simon says in the liner notes ‘in 17/8…they conquered’. Wow, these guys can play and this continues on the brooding “Froth”. I love the use of the sax alongside guitar here in a rock song – sax harmonies that deepen the guitar distortion. This builds to a fusion extravaganza with Larry Klima’s ripping away on sax before Garfield has his moment. Luke is not to be outdone and shreds like you only hear him live. Underpinning this is Simon keeping the driving momentum. Then we’re into pure heavy ’70s riffing rock, “The Bomber” – I don’t think I have ever heard Luke sound like this on a roller coaster ride from intense slide to screaming lead.

The last two tracks of the album are the pinnacle – it was hearing the searing emotion drenched guitar on “Song for Jeff” that made me get up and write this review. Incredible. No other word for it. Moving, brilliant playing as the notes are caressed and bent. Is this maybe Lukather’s finest guitar moment? Jeff Beck I’m sure would nod his head and smile. Buy this album just for this.

How else to end than hear Luke’s voice asking for the dry amp and then an avalanche of the meanest distorted notes of Hendrix’s “Red House”. The meanness continues including a broken string and profanities and the deepest bass ever felt as John Pena plays a wonderfully supportive role.)

Tom Fletcher is commended for an excellent job recording, mixing and producing this album that does justice to these musicians. If you want to hear one of the best recordings of Luke, Simon and David Garfield look no further.

Guitarists, drummers – here’s why Simon and Luke are rated at the top of their professions.
5.0 out of 5 stars Hard Candy!!,
Steve Lukather  sophomore release hits hard right out of the gate.
Lukather,John Pena,David Garfield & Simon “Party In My Pants” Phillips are at the top of their game on every single track. One of the BEST discs released in the 90s. Grab it if you can find it, you’ll be glad you did.
5.0 out of 5 stars GREAT PLAYERS GREAT CD,
5.0 out of 5 stars Its Steve and it cooks,
Typical Steve Lukather product. Great production, flawless performance. Simon Phillips is on drums along with a stellar line up. Smells a lot like Toto, but who has a problem with that? I love it. Also check out “Lukather”. Its from ’89 and has songs co-written with Eddie Van Halen, Richard Marx, Steve Stevens and a host of other buddies.
5.0 out of 5 stars Yet another great CD,
This CD still has some hard driving songs on it, however this time around there are other styles that have been mixed into this CD…..Still love the sound…..great CD

5.0 out of 5 stars Keep on pushing, straight ahead !!!!!!!,
First came LUKATHER, then came this one CANDYMAN. I really really loved the first Luke solo album. It was perfect american hard rock from the eighties. When this one came out, a few years ago actually, I immediately bought it. I liked it from the very beginning but I can say that each year that pass I love this album more. It is a greatest hits really, each track is phenomenal. The music is a sort of bluesed rock fusion with the Luke trademark guitar playing all around (do you know “Jake to the bone” from Toto’s Kingdome of desire album? Well we’re very close that kind of music here). It is not an instrumental album. Luke sings every song except the last touching and unforgettable Song for Jeff and Partys in Simon Pants which is a pure fusion-rama. Luke was in splendid shape here and the band is stellar, Phillips, Pena, Garfield, all the Los Lobotomy’s guys were involved in this album. Keep on pushing, STRAIGHT AHEAD LUKE !!! Buy this CD. I mean it. I really mean it. BUY IT. It is fantastic music. Better than a lot of Toto stuff.
5.0 out of 5 stars His best CD!,
This is his best CD hands down! The musicianship is incredible. Simon Phillips drums sound amazing. Not one dull track on this disc. Definitely one of the top guitarist in the world! YEAP…the world. Highlight trax: 1; 6; 9; & 11.
5.0 out of 5 stars Maybe the best,
Some websites have claimed Lukather to be the best guitarist in the world. Another claims he may be the best musician in the world. I can’t argue either point. And here, Luke once again provides evidence of why he receives the accolades. Song after song, this album stays strong and is right on the mark with what we expect from this great talent. I always find Luke to stray a bit from traditional Toto sound when he goes solo. And while Toto is indeed my favorite, straying is a good thing. Luke provides killer guitar licks as well as stunning vocals. He rarely fails to impress.
If Toto is not your cup of tea, but Lukather appeals, I also recommend the Toto Tambu album, which is very close to Luke solo efforts.

Well done Steve. This one is in my CD player constantly.

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