STAR PERIOD STAR: 1 st, debut, S/T CD. Real Prog: King Crimson, Voivod, Deus, Big Black. Check samples


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Exquisite as an unexpected drop of rain on parched lips… look, there’s always really good CDs coming our way here, but some stuff just comes from another dimension, it shines – don’t ask why or how. Explain this: Star Period Star have made an album that could be the best one that King Crimson never made, yet it sounds totally bafflingly contemporary. Maybe its more than just production values, maybe its the quality of the air peculiar to this decade… this is gloriously in-your-room without being artificially low-fi; fat rich guitars, dirty yet coherent from the buzzing lead guitar to the bounding bass, and they weave in and out with easy complexity. Never mind the cleverness, feel the warmth – this is a musician’s exercise, the crafting is a means to an end, and the end is this dangerous, moody anxiety attack of an atmosphere, delightfully dissonant but never random, building up to teeth-grinding tension… there’s a few of Voivod’s favorite angst-ridden chords in there. Pavement would kill for this sound… bloody hell, people into Firehose would love this, not to mention Deus, Dazzling Killmen – brief moments of Big Black… Ultimately this means nothing if its just another band making another record, but the icing on the cake is the truly into-it, eyes closed performance they’ve delivered onto this disk, with its light and shade and tempo changes that suck you into the energy of the thing – Arrgh, its brilliant, what a relief. Prog’s not dead after all. Put it on again… – Organ Magazine

Track Listing:

1. The Suspense is Killing Me

2. Ambivalence 3. Drowning 4. Tight 5. Black 6. Sorry About Alcohol 7. Fits All Chimneys 8. Climb 9. Misery Index 10. Reynolds  

1. The Suspense is Killing Me 01:43
2. Ambivalence 06:41
3. Drowning 05:35
4. Tight 02:58
5. Black 03:47
6. Sorry About Alcohol 07:29
7. Fits All Chimneys 01:17
8. Climb 03:15
9. Misery Index 02:04
10. Reynolds 14:57

(Listen to 3 of their songs)

Chris Block – Bass (Tracks 1-5)
Dan Van Schindel – Drums (Tracks 1-5)
Rolly Cesar – Guitar (Tracks 4-10)
Jerry Overmyer – Bass (Tracks 6-10)
Dave Rosato – Drums (Tracks 6-10)
Dan Sweigert – Guitar, vocals, samples (All Tracks)

Debut from Chicagoland group combining elements of alternative rock with progressive rock to great effect. Other influences include space rock and neo-psych. So you have a band who sounds a little like King Crimson meets Porcupine Tree meets Alice In Chains meets Gnidrolog! At its best this disc absolutely delivers killer prog sounds that KC & Anekdoten fans will love. At its weakest it is a very good alternative rock album that will really wow fans of that genre as well. Mostly it is a hybrid of the two with some space rock thrown in for spice and should please prog fans looking for something a little different. The CD has been out-of-print for a while now….

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