1995 CD CMC International 7903
01.Intro (01:14)
02.Russian Girl (04:14)
03.Killing Ground (03:45)
04.Eden (05:02)
05.Going On (04:45)
06.Everybody (02:53)
07.Spanish Rain (05:02)
08.Flesh and Bone (03:53)
09.Sunshine (03:52)
10.Victoria (04:23)
11.Afraid (04:10)
12.So Painfully (03:10)
13.Edgar (03:14)
14.All Around (02:59)
Chris McLernon bass [also on the Cold Sweat: Break Out LP]
Pete Dembrowski guitar
Phil Varone drums, percussion [also on the Skid Row: Thickskin album]
Jason vocals, guitar
Perhaps due to the fact that their breakthrough hit was an acoustic ballad and they weren’t afraid to embark on a musical detour from time to time, Saigon Kick seemed to go over the heads of many metalheads — despite the fact that the majority of their repertoire was metallic. By 1995s Devil in the Details, guitarist Jason Bieler was firmly in the drivers seat, as this was the second album on which he did double duty as the groups lead singer. And once more, Devil in the Details turned out to be a varied album that brings to mind Extreme, Kings X, and Queen. Another sweet and sappy acoustic ditty is included (“Spanish Rain”), as well as an old-tyme pop tune (“Victoria”) and the expected headbanging rockers (“Killing Ground”). Fans of the bands first few albums will dig it, but it appeared as though rock radio circa the mid-’90s was as far removed as you could possibly get from Saigon Kicks brand of all-encompassing rock.
great disc, matches the first three, musically it is a awesome disc. give it a 10. Spanish rain is a great tune , all of them are.
Still has that trademark Saigon Kick sound. “Russian Girl”, “Spanish Rain, and “Killing Ground” are the highlights. Essential
Fantastic underrated band. Russian Girl, Eden, Everybody, Sunshine, Killing Ground, all great songs. In my opinion just as good as their debut and Water.
5.0 out of 5 stars Much more than “just another metal album.”,
My first exposure to Saigon Kick was “The Lizard.” After hearing that incredible album, I was a bit put-off by DITD. Then I listened to it again. And again. And again and again and again…. How can you describe this band? The vocals are awesome – powerful but without that over-dubbed, over-the-top feeling you might remember from a lot of those 80s metal bands. The music always has impact, even when its not necessarily slamming. “Going On” is a perfect example, the acoustic guitars having an uncommonly rich sound. “Everybody” is a great ball of fun, and “So Painfully” is as addictive as it is smile-inducing. This is one of those albums that wanders a bit from sound to sound, and is all the better for it. Highly recommended, Saigon Kick fan or not.
5.0 out of 5 stars Absolutely breathtaking,
It is a very difficult choice to make, but this just might be the best album they ever did. This band has created one sonic masterpiece after another and really shows what they’re capable of on ‘Devil’. It is more like Water than the first two albums in its diversity. It is more like the first two than Water in its heavier edge. So its really the best of everything that was, and is Saigon Kick. There is no acceptable excuse for not owning this incredible CD. Make it part of your collection as soon as possible. You’ll be glad you did.
5.0 out of 5 stars there best album to date!!!,
this album is amazing. I didn’t think it was possible to top the Water CD but this has done it. if you liked Water,this album will send your head spinning! the vocals,guitar riffs,and percussion are mind-blowing. If your a Saigon kick fan and you don’t own this album you should be ashamed of yourself. this CD will go down as one of rocks truly great cds of the last 10 years.
5.0 out of 5 stars To Everything, A Winters Sadness,
Working my way through the evolution of Saigon kick since the inception of their self-titled debut, I’ve found myself transfixed with what they could produce and therefore a loyal listener. Its always amazed me how they could dance both sides of the sensation rainbow, melding the beauty of both the light sides of life and love with the bleak sounds of demise and murder into something without losing anything in this musical translation. On one hand they would craft something so lovingly endearing that it bordered on the prolifics of heartfelt expression and on the other they would meld something into existence dipping with the realms of oddity and angst. That’s why I’ve always been impressed while walking in their always transfixing footsteps, though, because the many faces of the Saigon Kick machine have always been interesting to watch modify and grow.
Within Devil in the Details, there are many flavors to keep the mind entertained as all of the realms the needy listener is normally accustomed to hearing are displayed. There is a poetic beginning in the small introduction exclaiming, “I believe there is no sun today, I believe there is no sun. Miles from where I live today, I can see no sun,” that then drifts into a love song that combines a beat into its ballad about a certain “Russian Girl” and the proposition of staying with the singer. Still, there is more as well, from the very beautiful, almost hauntingly sad “Spanish Rain” and the likewise saddened beats and depressive make-up of “Going On” to the violence and murder floating in the swing sounds of “Victoria” and the up/down teetering in the song about suicide, “Edgar.” Also dwelling in the album more punkish sounds of “All Around,” the two lovers embracing death together spectrum of “flesh of Bone,” and the testimonials about feelings seething within “killing Grounds.”
Everything in this album comes together so well, making me glad I have a copy of it and always pulling it out to listen to even years after its release. Its rare that one finds a band that can keep the attention as well as Saigon Kick knows how to do, and rarer still to find someone that knows how to place four albums into circulation that all work at a level worthy of praise. Therefore, I recommend this album and all the other sounds of Saigon Kick to anyone wanting something with staying power and a little bit of everything. Its simply sad that, like all seasons, winter seems to have come and no more releases have followed in suite.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very powerful disc
Saigon Kick is a basically unknown band who is one of the best to ever come along. This is their best disc and one listen and you WILL be hooked on this thing. The sound is so unique and different than most metal bands today. GET IT
5.0 out of 5 stars The Greatest Band You Cant Find In The Stores,
the so called professional music critics always seem to put this awesome band down,for the life of me i just cant understand why?this is a band with no equal PERIOD!!!their sound is not to be and shouldn’t be compared to any other band.they were unique and are very very sorely their time we had the big bands like nirvana and Metallica dominating the music scene.if Saigon kick came out now in 2010 i personally think their path would have been different.i think they would have been taken more seriously by the public.they really gave it their all to please us,the listening public.maybe we can make it up to them by requesting to the record company [ATLANTIC RECORDS]to put their records back on the shelves so the people can hear it again?all their albums were great and this one Devil In The Details is no exception.
5.0 out of 5 stars The Best Album From The Best Band Ever!,
Simply brilliant! Jason is the ultimate songwriter. Melodic and powerful…buy it now or continue to suffer from whatever else you listen to!!
5.0 out of 5 stars The Most Underrated Band of All Time!
Saigon Kick is one of my favorite bands of all time.
My only regret is that Matt Kramer is no longer with the band.
“Devil in the Details” is the slightly better of the two “Kramer-less” CDs. (The other CD being “Water”)
If you have never heard this band, I strongly suggest you give them a listen………..
Also check those:
SAIGON KICK: Promo only 12″. 4 songs. Check videos and audio
On Yperano!!
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