Although they don’t have any international fame, in Portugal RAMP are a very well-known and popular band. They used to play heavy metal in their first two albums, going then for a more groove approach to thrash, in the vein of Machine Head or Pantera.
The main high points in here are the well-executed riffing, the clean production and Rui Duartes unique voice, either when hes using his clean vocals or growling. He alternates between his vocal styles very well. There’s a wide and well placed use of electronics here that prevent the album from being pure groove thrash, but theres too many good riffing and talent to make it a nu-metal album, and besides RAMP were already here when nu-metal mania started… about soloing, you won’t find much in this album, but the supra-mentioned amazing riffs should make a guitar fan happy. Besides this industrial/groove feeling present in most songs, the band finds time for some more rock-like tunes. So, if you want to listen to some groove thrash without the heavier-than-you attitude of Pantera or the rappisms of Machine Head, try this industrial solution RAMP offer you – you won’t be sorry.
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