“We Will Lead You to Glorious Times is four songs (plus two videos) of impressive doomage. Sure, the closest reference point sound-wise will always be Electric Wizard, but there is enough of an identity to bring Ramesses out from the shadow of Greening and Bagshaws old band. There is less of the psychedelic noodling, for one. The songs are more direct more heavy hitting. And Richardsons vocals are gruffer, veering towards a death metal growl. If he had stuck with just that style, the overall effect would be lessened, but hes also able to belt out when needed. With We Will Lead You to Glorious Times, Ramesses have carved their own niche in the world of doom. Recommended for fans of Electric Wizard, Ufomammut, and the like.”
“Ramesses are what I would call street-doom.’ It is definitely a doom band with the detuned slow riffs, but the sound of it is as close to old ’80s hardcore punk as you can get. Very interesting music, for sure.”
“Noisy stoner doom, with equal tinges of sludge and psychedelia. Slow and repetitious
Track listing
1. Witchampton
2. Master Your Demons
3. Ramesses II
4. Mark Domina
5. Ramesses II VIDEO
6. Master Your Demons VIDEO
This is an Enhanced CD, which contains both regular audio tracks and multimedia computer files.
Ramesses: Adam Richardson (vocals, bass guitar); Tim Bagshaw (guitar, sound effects); Mark Greening (Hammond b-3 organ, drums).
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