OZ: Queer Bugs CD-r Promo + Live 30-12-2000 CD-r. Both are CD-r discs, not factory printed CDs. Ultra RARE Progressive rock. King Crimson, Rush, UK, Yes, Genesis. Check audio, all songs


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A band from Santander making a progressive rock close to King Crimson, Rush and UK, with a subtle touch of Yes, Genesis and sometimes Dream Theater, characterised by eclecticism and rhythmic power and then subtle melodic features.

Track list:
1. Travel’s Dream (9:13)
2. Brew 4 (3:58)
3. One (7:39)
4. What’s behind you (4:37)
5. The Sun that Never Shines (4:01)
6. The End of the Edge (20:48)
7. Child’s Electric Play (live)

* Israel Losada: guitar
* Gabriel Marti­nez: drums
* Borja Ruiz: Hammond, synthesizer, violin
* Adolfo Díaz: bass, synthesizer

OZ’s first job is called ‘QUEER BUGS’ and recorded late last year in Cantabria. The first thing that jumps out is the wonderful artwork of the CD, I love it and it’s something I have always in mind.

OZ is formed by Israel Losada on guitar, Henry Green on bass, Borja Ruiz to the Hammond Organ, Korg MS-10, violin and other keyboards and percussion and finally the battery is Gabriel Matinez. Musically the first thing that I liked is its compact sound and well managed. With few means achieve good production and a sound with very current while seventies influences. It shows that they are not newcomers and, being young, have musical experience, a la VDGG and King Crimson. The real truth is that their music is totally instrumental, progressive rock in its purest form, with wonderful keyboards, a very progressive rhythm section and heartbreakingly brilliant guitar. You have to listen repeatedly to reach out to find all the nuances, but it is a difficult music to digest too, to a degree.

A very interesting work that will allow them to enter the progressive world with good standing.


The album is instrumental having a very own style and with great force. They are all very good performers as a musical maturity that very few succeed on the first album is played.

“”Queer Bugs”” Travel’s Dream opens with 9 minutes long piece full of energy, and have a crimsoniano style. Here a good musical strength is listening and parts requintos and guitars reminded me of Iron Maiden in their epics. the tone of the pieces follows a Anglagard Anaekdoten style.

The album is rich in harmonies, between Crimson and Liquid Tension Experiment, due in large part to the guitar and the rhythm section and the more melodic rock progressive 70’s, this point is due to the intervention of Hammond and Synthesizer. Do not forget that this self-produced album which has much merit after listening to the album.
The album is opens with “”Travel’s Dream””, a theme very energetic to Liquid Tension Experiment, with Israel in Petrucci type guitar and jazzy plan and strong drumming from Gabriel Martinez.
Followed by “”Brew”” which offers the first keyboard melodies with jazzy background. “”One”” is the theme of Progressive Metal album more, but Borja Ruiz is in charge of introducing a melodic intermezzo through a single keyboard. “”The Sun That Never Shines”” is a very bluesy theme a la Led Zeppelin. “”The End of the Edge”” is the best song for my taste of the album, with a very seventies keyboard sound. The final 15 minutes are a percussion (they used dishes, drums, flutes, xylophones, a bowl of water, a horn, guitar, violin, duct tape, lighters, etc).
The album ends with a short acoustic live titled “”Child’s Play Electric””.

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