MORGION: Cloaked by ages, crowned in Earth CD 2004 Perfect from start to finish. Dark heavy Doom metal. California, USA. Check samples + video album review


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MORGION have finally ended their 5 year absence from the progressive, extreme recording scene with the release for their highly anticipated new CD “”Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth.”” The result is eight magnificent tracks, clocking in at over an hour that begins right where “”Solinari”” left off and ends with a new musical beginning for the band. From the brilliant production to the diverse vocal performance, Morgion’s musical evolution is complete! “”Cloaked By Ages, Crowned In Earth”” is a crowning achievement of heavy, melodic music which ebbs and flows amongst beauty, darkness, and emotions. All the artwork and layout was created and executed by the band’s own Gary Griffith.

Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth is the third and last album by the American doom metal band Morgion. It was released in 2004

Check samples:

Cloaked By Ages 1:22
A Slow Succumbing 9:47
Ebb Tide (Parts I & II) 13:04
Trillium Rune 3:37
The Mourner’s Oak 6:05
Cairn 6:46
She, The Master Covets 5:22
Crowned In Earth/Lull (Hidden Track) 7:02   (15:25)

Length  61:32

Came across this band a week ago and they sounded good, CD arrived earlier than estimated and it played with no issues.
Very dark, very moody, very long. 8 tracks that clock in over an hour. My Dying Bride type misery. The listener is hung upon passages that sway in a hypnotic lull, or crawl along with a sludgy slow metallic crunch. Vocals toggle between a deep smooth vampire-like caress and a demonic belch of torn vocal chords. The band first made their mark with a few releases on Relapse, but some member changes and a hiatus to restructure has found this release on Dark Symphonies. The ebb and flow of this darkened yet melodic creation is quite emotional in structure and delivery. Indulge only if you have the stamina to wade through a couple of 9+ minute tracks. Since it gets lost in itself often, the listener’s attention can wander. This makes good, sullen background music to set a dim mood.
Let me just start this off by saying, this is the first time I have been so floored by an album that I absolutely had to share my experience by reviewing it. The moment I received my package from amazon, I took out this cd, turned out the lights and shut the blinds, put it in the dvd player (can’t go wrong with home theatre sound), lied down, hit play, and shut my eyes. I was expecting something powerful, something beautiful and moving in a dark, deep way, and that’s exactly what I got.
The songs flow together, in fact, I didn’t realize the first track was over until I looked up and saw I was halfway through the third song. Not to say that it’s too repetitive, or that all the songs sound the same, because it’s not and they don’t. It’s just one of those cds that’s infinately better when absorbed as a whole. Excellent production, the various elements are blended perfectly. The addition of clean vocals has been done very well, also.
By the end of my listening session, I regretted having to return to reality. This music transported me, it lifted me and tore me down, it flew me through dark forests and giant chasms, flowing water and pounding beasts. Very rarely do I get such a first impression and I highly, highly recommend this to anyone that can appreciate the beauty of darkness. This is not background music, this is not music that you play while distracted by other things… this is real, original, and powerful.
Morgion continues to make brilliant music, and this is a worthy follow up to the godlike Solinari.
5.0 out of 5 stars Traumhafter Doom-Metal mit viel Atmosphäre…
Wer sich immer schon gerne in intensiver Musik wiederfinden konnte, dem sei “Cloaked by ages, crowned in earth” wärmstens empfohlen.
Die Bezeichnung “Death Doom” ist auf dieses Album nicht mehr zutreffend; eigentlich auch “Doom” kaum noch.
Death-Growls finden sich nur noch in den Songs 2 und 3; der Rest ziert der wundervolle und ergreifende Klargesang, der in zarten Melodiebögen die naturverbundene Geschichte des Albums erzählt.
Über allem schwebt stets eine spürbare Tragik, die vor allen Dingen von den stets präsenten Gitarren getragen wird und zu keiner Sekunde langweilig wird.
Man erlebt ein Wechselbad der Gefühle und hungert quasi schon während des laufenden Songs auf den nächsten. Mich hat die Intensität der Melodien in Verbindung mit der traumhaften Stimme vollends ergriffen.
Man setze sich mit diesem Album auf seinen Lieblingsplatz in der Natur und lasse den Rest nur noch fließen und geschehen.
Eigentlich kann ich diese CD jedem aufgeschlossenem Musikhörer empfehlen, ja vielleicht ist der Metaller, der MORGION von vorherigen Alben kennt, ein wenig enttäuscht.
Achtung! Kein Fliesbandprodukt, kein technisches Gefrickel, keine vorgetäuschte Härte, sondern einfach nur ein Metal-Kleinod aus purem Gefühl.
Ohne Einschränkung diese Höchstnote.

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