MONTROSE: Bad Motor Scooter 7″ + One Thing on My Mind. (UK, 1973, original). With Sammy Hagar, Van Halen singer. Check video


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“‘Bad Motor Scooter” performed here in 1974 was the second track from the album Montrose by the band of the same name. It, along with “Rock Candy” was arguably the best known song by the band, Montrose, with lyrics penned by frontman Sammy Hagar. It comes in with a phase-shifting guitar that sounds like a motorcycle. It had been that guitar sound that became the defining component of the song. When the song was conceived before this guitar sound, the band and Ted Templeman were not impressed because they thought it was missing something to make it stand out. Ronnie Montrose stumbled upon it while messing with a slide and fuzz box one day in the studio. Ronnie played his guitar in open D tuning, Montrose improvised what became the motorcycle sound while Templeman and engineer Donn Landee kept him going while they failed to get the tape rolling. The sound became the most recognizable feature of the song.

If you get lonely on your daddys farm,
Just remember I dont live too far
Theres a ****************
Youll be at my place in less than a day!
So get on your bad motor scooter and ride!
Come over to my place and stay all night.
First thing in the morning well be feeling all right!
All right! All right! All right!
So get on your bad motor scooter and ride!
Ooh, the last time I seen your face,
Swore that no oned take your place!
Now, since you been gone, I been feelin a-bad, yeah!
I come out to your place Im afraid of your dad.
So you get on your bad motor scooter and ride!
Come over to my place and stay all night. Yeah!
First thing in the morning well be feeling all right!
All right! All right! All right! All right!
Get on your bad motor scooter and ride!
Ride! Ride! Ride!
Cmon Baby!
Crank it on up!

Get on your bad motor scooter and ride!
Come over to my place and stay all night, Babe.
First thing in the morning well be feeling all right!
All right! All right! All right! All right!
Get on your bad motor scooter
Get on your bad motor scooter
A-get on your bad motor scooter
And ri-ii-ii-ii-ii-ii-ide!

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Weight 0.09 kg


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