MINDFIELD: Be-low CD powerful Gothic Metal. Check audio


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Great powerful “yes, powerful- Gothic metal. Very pleasant to the ear, not only because of the fantastic melodies and the catchy songs but because the music is also yes, you got it: powerful.

Genre: Gothic Rock / Metal
Label: Lifeforce Records
Playing time: 47:10
1. Made To Measure
2. Destination 666
3. Desperate (Death Parade)
4. Mucher No Illores
5. Dead End Love
6. Gallery In Black
7. Below
8. A Silent Moment
9. The Sobering
10. They Speak
11. If You Wish-¦
12. Night’s End (Gallery #2)

Release Date   May 20, 2003

Duration    47:06


what we here get is good, the whole packaging actually is!
Coming over like a mix of Gothic Rock, pure Rock and Metal, somewhat dark, but at the same time pretty light-hearted. The MINDFIELD sound is extremely hard to be put into words as they mix together quite a few different styles and elements, from Gothic to almost Thrashy, with a quite distinct guitar sound and the good voice of Danny Kabus, which fits the music very well indeed.
And this is what I think holds quite some appeal to a pretty wide range of listeners, so either this wide spectrum could limit the success of MINDFIELD or make them a true breakthrough artist, they definitely would have the potential for the latter, I would say, after listening to “”Be-Low””. Opener “”Made To Measure”” is a high energy Rocker with a really original guitar sound and some great melodies, immensely catchy without sounding overtly directed at a certain audience, so no sell out accusations here. And the following “”Destination 666″” is even more so, with great drive and energy and a certain Finnish Goth touch as well, without copying any of the Northern masters still.
After the Spanish guitar instrumental “”Mucher No Illores”” “”Dead End Love”” is a great tune still, with good melodies and guitars, before “”Gallery In Black”” leads us into the very Finn Goth-y areas, even with some piano, very good indeed! Just like the dark and quite riffy “”If You Wish-¦”” towards the end.

Altogether MINDFIELD’s latest output is a highly interesting release that has a lot of potential for a wide success, because it features several mass compatible elements, but fit together in a highly energetic and cohesive whole that comes natural and never sounds forced or anything. To call them the German band with the most Finnish sound might be a quite bold statement and most probably also leads too far and is not fully correct either, but that is something that somehow came to my mind while listening to “”Be-Low””.

What I can assure you of is that it is a damn good album that is highly enjoyable, both in the car, at home and also, like right now, under the headphones.


5.0 out of 5 stars Below a Masterpiece?,
I heard “”Gallery in Black”” over a random Internet Radio Station, and was immediately hooked.. I *HAD* to have this album. I ordered it as quickly as I could, and when it arrived, I was stunned. This CD is flawless.. I only wish I could’ve heard about Mindfield sooner.”

Absolutely love that … A friend of mine gave that to me a long while … Never really heard it carefully back then as in listen to every detail in it … back then I thought it was amazing … Now that I heard it really carefully I know no it’s a masterpiece 😀

Underrated band is underrated!! Love the music! If any of the musicians on this album read this comment, know you made an impact!

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