Medieval Death LP and free DVD + Mordicus “Rights ‘n Trials” LP. Official videos, audio, info.
This live album was recorded at the Rainbow Club in Milan, Italy in November 1998
It is not often that you find yourself preferring to listen to the live versions of songs you really like over their studio counterparts. This is due to the good recording, the great choice of old and newer songs, but most of all the inspiring performance of the band. I find the live ‘Wolfs Lair Abyss’ songs kick ass over the studio versions. ‘Ancient Skin’ is particularly good, conveying more energy than on ‘Wolfs Lair Abyss’, making it clear that Mayhem are still in their natural environment when they are in front of a crowd. A guest performance from ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas’ vocalist Attila, makes ‘Mediolanum Capta Est’ even better. This is just an excellent live release, an absolute must for ALL Mayhem fans and a good one for anyone at all, who is interested in the band. Buy it!!
Songs: 1. Silvester Anfang 01.51 2. Deathcrush 03.31 3. Fall Of Seraphs 06.34 4. Carnay 04.42 5. Necrolust 03.47 6. Ancient Skin 05.42 7. Freezing Moon 06.50 8. Symbols Of Bloodsword 04.52 9. From The Dark Past 05.12 10. Chainsaw Gutsfuck 05.16 11. I Am Thy Labyrinth 06.14 12. Pure Fucking Armageddon 01.01
5.0 out of 5 stars
This meteor of a live album starts off its heavy but calm rain of terror with the drum attack of “Silvester Anfang.” I used to dislike the song until I heard it performed live (it kind of sucks on the “Deathcrush” album). After this tribal and catchy track is done with, the real chaos begins with the classic song “Deathcrush.” Blasphemer is more on track with tempo on this album than Euronymous was on Live in Leipzig and doesn’t leave any room for (obvious, anyways) mess-ups. As its been stated before, the drums can be dominant of the music (Fall of Seraphs is a good example of this) and drown out the other instruments.
The solo in Chainsaw Gutsf*** can’t be heard at all due to the drums drowning it out. Even though the solo isn’t that great, I happen to like it…and the drums ruin it. Necrobutcher’s bass isn’t much different – still heavily distorted, but much pushier and stand out on this album. You can hear it much better than on Live in Leipzig (probably due to the fact that the production isn’t as bad), filling in the gaps and gluing the drums and guitar together. Another issue is Maniacs vocals.
Of course you’ll hear people complaining that his vocals suck and are indecipherable, but who the Hell cares? Maniac is perfect for Mayhem because black metal isn’t supposed to sound pretty. These growls and screams are the kind you’d expect to hear from a hospital patient who is screaming when they’re about to vomit – emetic and sickening. Maniac deals out the guttural and stomach churning vocals with ease – not a bad replacement for Dead. We also get to hear a guest appearance from Attila on track nine, singing along with Maniac using his deep and monstrous vocals.
5.0 out of 5 stars One word: Hellhammer
The new Mayhem is quite powerful on this live album. I was always into Deads voice but after a while I got used to Maniacs warblings and growling, he sounds like a demon and it fits the music just fine. But the highlight is by far Hellhammers drumming, hes so fast and he uses the bass drums (pedals) to perfection on such songs as Deathcrush and Ancient Skin. Necrobutchers bass sound is almost non-existent because its drowned out by either Hellhammers drumming, Maniacs loud voice or Blasphemers guitar, sometimes all of them at the same time. They deliver the songs with so much anger and with such ferocity that they seem even hungrier now than when they had Dead & Euronymous back in their halcyon days. The new Mayhem is very good on this live album and on Wolfs Lair Abyss as well. Those two recordings will make you realize what made them the best black metal band and most influential in the first place. By the way I have to say that Hellhammer has got to be the best drummer for any type of metal (thrash, black, heavy, grindcore, speed) music. Hes just amazing. This is one angry and powerful live cd.
4.0 out of 5 stars I Am Thy Labirynth
MayheM, often considered as the creators of black metal, have recorded this incredibly brutal live album, and let me tell you that before listening to this, you got to be ready for extremely violent music. There are 12 songs, beginning with “Silvester Anfang”, a very drum-oriented intro, and following with “Deathcrush” and “Fall of Seraphs”, two very good songs. Then comes “Carnage”, which is a little less interesting, but then the album goes on good until the ultimate song of the album, my personal favorite MayheM song, which features incredible drumming from their drummer, Hellhammer, who hits his drums so fast you won’t be able to hear every hit…hes really incredible. The song itself is really based on the drums, and I think its the most violent thing I’ve heard, really, you’ll feel as if you had a machine gun next to your ears. MayheM, whos topic is and was always war, really creates an icon to its thesis with that song. Its like being in the middle of a war, really, its incredible. I love that song. Its 6 minutes of filthy, pure violence with non-stop machinegun-like drums. The sound is good, though its a live album, there are no probems with it. I also liked the appearance of an earlier MayheM song, Chainsaw Gutsf**k, which the singer dedicates to the pope, that is slower than the other songs, but just as good…
Overall, this is pure violence incarnated in music, but for those who like it, like me, you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your money.
4.0 out of 5 stars insane
this album is pretty crazy
MAYHEM: Live In Leipzig CD sealed digipak. Top 1990 BLACK METAL. check audio (whole album)
Medieval Death LP and free DVD + Mordicus “Rights ‘n Trials” LP. Official videos, audio, info.
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