ILL LITERATURE magazine: “…Not only this band really stands out but their debut album, To Breed True, was solely recorded in England and was completed at Abbey Road Studios. Thus with a clear and very strong production Less Than Human come forth with an album that easily outpaces anything in this style. Those that are into the likes of Machine Head, Soulfly, Sepultura, Pantera etc., should listen to this album and find out who’s in the lead. There is a lot of anger portrayed here and an in-your-face attitude and the songs are furious and up-tempo, extremely aggressive but at the same time super tight and catchy. This is aggro-metalcore at its finest and is destined to bang that head that doesn’t bang”.
METAL HAMMER (UK) magazine: “Greece’s answer to Metallica anyone? All of these songs could’ve easily crept on to “Ride The Lightning” or “Master of Puppets” and slipped by unnoticed. The guitars have the same angry power and vocalist Dimitris Traskas has the vocal style of James Hetfield down to a tee. It is an extremely heavy and intense album, with eleven tracks of crushing melodic metal that use the Metallica influence to produce the overall feel and sound of the songs, rather than simply copying them blindly. This produces a result that should appeal to anyone into the Machine Head / Sepultura hardcore sound, but it also keeps it’s feet firmly planted into more traditional metal roots. It isn’t ground breaking or original, but it’s head down fists up power metal that can hold it’s own with any of this seasons favourite metal Gods”.
TERRORIZER magazine: “Jonathan Selzer” (the Terrorizer Magazine editor) has described Less Than Human like that: “You can hear the Metallica and Slayer influences a mile of and yet to “Breed True” shows that these Greek thrash Metallers have an almighty punch and an admirable economy to their sound. A fact made all the more surprising when you discover that their debut album, recorded at Abbey Road was produced by non other than John Cuniberti of Joe Satriani fame. “Destined to bang the head that doesn’t bang” claimed one ‘zine. Um. Lets just say that this rocks”. Â [Less Than Human have a song (“More or Less Human” the 7th song on the “Breed True” CD) in the Terrorizer’s (issue 87, March ’01) cover mount sampler CD].
POWERPLAY magazine: “I do not know a single fact about his band, so it’s straight to the music. Opening number, “Mega Fool” starts in great style, with massive heavy riffing that soon speeds up to a very up-tempo hard rocking tune with great vocals and crunchy guitars, plus there’s a nice solo tucked on at the end. “Perfect Time To Explode” is another fast, heavy and riffy number with some processed vocals and wailing guitar with the sound of a helicopter to end the track. “Whose Fault” slips straight into a hard as-hell tune with Max Cavalera style harsh vocals. “Keep Your Distance” is a true headbanging number; the guitar and drums drive this tune along with power and aggression, plus staccato riffs and some shouted vocals add to the overall feel of the number. “Trigger Happy” starts with some brilliant guitaring and builds up to a massive, heavy riff. The vocals are full of passion and hatred with lines like “The bitch is fucking dead” literally spat out-brilliant; a track with real conviction. “Broken By You” is another song with real emotion in it, based on slow and heavy riffs with even more emotive vocals. “More or Less Human” is a really fast guitar-driven number with hard vocals, while “Suffer In Silence” is a track that really shines because of the guitar work involved. When it picks up pace it’s pure 90’s metal and when it slows down it’s very reminiscent of Black Sabbath. “Textbook Theatrics” has fuzzy guitar riffs and melodic vocals that built up to pure aggression-filled spoken word parts, but most of all hard and heavy backing. “Tooth Broken” opens with a slow Sabbath style riff with harsh vocals before it speeds up to a thrashy assault on your senses. It then slows down for a quick Iommi inspired solo before it’s over. “It is Hell” is a really fast heavy riff laden number with the vocals almost shouted at you. A really good, heavy album from out of the blue. Check it out”.
Prior to the album’s recording METAL HAMMER magazine was mentioning:
“They are creating the sort of “atmosphere” that makes you want to destroy everything in site and then jump from the balcony! Fantastic and passionate songs that result to a totally successful outcome. In all honesty when I listen to their material, I feel better than when listening to the “Against” and “Diabolus in Musica” albums (by Sepultura and Slayer respectively) back to back”. When a promo version of the album reached the Hammer headquarters, their reviewer didn’t stop to praise the band: “Less Than Human play a modern version of Metal that has elements from Thrash, Hardcore and bands like Machine Head, Pantera, Sepultura and the end result is perfect. I have to say that their album “To Breed True” has impressed me. This band creates huge amounts of Metallic power, heaviness, aggression and rage, but at the same time has perfect sense for rhythm, riffs that stick to your mind and immensely interesting compositions (that thanks to the faultless performance of the band) immediately win over the listener. (Songs like “Mega Fool”, “Keep Your Distance”, “Trigger Happy”, “More Or Less Human”, “Suffer In Silence” and “Tooth Broken” are prime examples of this). It is obvious that the band has worked very hard to produce this album. It is also obvious that even though the album sounds modern, it never looses its 100% metallic element. Keep in mind that the album has a very, very good production. It’s an added advantage that this album has a rich powerful and crystal clear sound (a necessity for this type of music). My overall impression is that “To Breed True” is a an album that is worth it’s praise, an album that is one of the best for this type of music internationally. Less Than Human have built concrete foundations for a highly successful career”. Now this is the official Metal Hammer magazine review (the album was reviewed in the past -look for the review that is included just above this review- when it was sent as a promotional album): “Are you tired of waiting Metallica’s new material? Better still: are you tired of hoping that Metallica will return to their pre-“Load” style? Or even better are you tired of listening to every clueless calling “Heavy Metal music” whatever sounds hard to them and as a result very distant to the average listener? Or maybe you are tired of buying records from bands that have no real class and just repeat music styles that other bands have created? If the answer to all this is “yes”, then we have news for you: Your boredom is about to end. “To Breed True” is here and a new chapter in the history of Metal -core has now opened. It not just the great production of John Cuniberti, or the brilliant mastering that took place in the legendary Abbey Road studios. It is mainly Less Than Human themselves that make the difference. 4 musicians with Hellenic passports of a truly international quality standards. Less Than Human is not just a “hope for the future” it is the future itself. If they manage to maintain their directness in their sound in their concerts, then pretty soon the whole world will be delirious. If by coincidence their success does not come instantly, there is no reason for worries. A super record never gets lost and you can make sure that you do the right thing by picking this record up really fast”.
MINDVIEW magazine (Belgium): “A hand full of Greeks smashes an angry collection of songs in my face: thrash with hard core elements (not too many) in a Machine Head / Pantera jacket. Powerful with some spoken parts and flamboyant accelerations that saves them from monotonous aggression, which is dressed up with some melodic riffs and where thundering passages of drums and guitars are steeling the show. AGGRO – METALCORE!”.
KICKS Belgian metal radio show: “LESS THAN HUMAN “To Breed True”: the album has a very good production and the songs are well composed and structured, it has a lot of variation and aggression which we like in a band and they’re different (better) than other bands in their style. Nice lyrics 🙂 We especially like the songs Who’s Fault?, More Or Less Human and It Is Hell… It Can Be Heaven”.
SEVENTH SIGN magazine: “Less Than Human are a Hellenic band that doesn’t need any further introductions, since they’ve already managed to win the Hellenic fans and show that they consist a new hope for the present and future of the Hellenic scene. This band was created in 1996, releasing their first demo tape in the end of that year. Since then, with their live shows, mainly in Thesalloniki, Less Than Human have managed to gain the hears of the Hellenic audience. Confirmation of their skills is their debut album, which isn’t only special for their great execution and the good production (of Jon Cuniberti, well known for his co-operation with Satriani, at Abbey Road studios) but also for the feeling that come out in the 11 songs of the album. Less Than Human play a mixture of metal with hardcore, with heavy influences from Pantera and Sepultura, but also Machine Head, Soulfly, modern (and old) Slayer. I can’t say that it’s a very original work, but the positive thing is that it has an element that makes the band unique, and when you listen to one of their song, you immediately understand it’s a LTH song. Spectacular work from all sides (music, production, cover, but also the multimedia CD-ROM side)”.
INFESTED GRAVEYARD news (webzine): “Yperano Records has finally released something after a long period of building up the business. And when the release is as good as this; the wait has been worthwhile! Less Than Human is a Thrash Metal/Hard Core band from Hellas. Their music can be compared to Sepultura at their best. I am not surprised to hear that the Rock DJs in London love this album. The music is ultra- commercial and a true crowd pleaser. The bearing part of this album is the riffs from the band’s rhythm guitar. These riffs give Less Than Human a very tight and catchy sound. All eleven tracks are very good. This type of music is normally not my cup of tea, but the quality of this album is so strong that it cannot be ignored. I cannot wait to hear more from this band”.
CONCRETE WEB: “Those who never believed in the existence of another band able to compete with the most prominent US Thrash bands like Machine Head and Pantera or even the Brazilians of Sepultura are totally wrong. Surprisingly this times a new aggrothrash Metalcore miracle was formed in a totally unexpected country: Greece (Thessaloniki). For their debut album “To Breed True”, vocalist Dimitris Traskas, drummer Apostolis Kostinos and both string-reapers Costandinos Hrisohoidis and Gregory Vartholomeos have chosen for perhaps one of the most famous studios in the world, the Abbey Road in London, resulting in their first born masterpiece with the characteristic features of flashing guitar works, fast, catchy aggressive tempo-changing tight compositions with workmanship and high quality vocals this kind of metal just needs to be brought at their highest level. Because of the production of John Cuniberti (a.o. Satriani), it’s no surprise that everyone who already had the opportunity to listen to the final outcome has been mightily impressed. To make i,t all sound even much better, they recruited a fifth band member Petros “Tattoo” Karafillidis on bass, which gives vocalist Dimitris, who has played all bass lines for the album as well, the opportunity to focus and concentrate on his amazing vocal cords. With their modern approach of a perfect mixture of Thrash and elements of Hardcore, Less Than Human definitely will strip the crown of all today’s greatness in Thrash. So, watch your back, because Greece launched his first prodigy of sensational Thrash, armed and dangerous to let shiver and shake the Thrash top”.
ILL LITERATURE magazine: “…Not only this band really stands out but their debut album, To Breed True, was solely recorded in England and was completed at Abbey Road Studios. Thus with a clear and very strong production Less Than Human come forth with an album that easily outpaces anything in this style. Those that are into the likes of Machine Head, Soulfly, Sepultura, Pantera etc., should listen to this album and find out who’s in the lead. There is a lot of anger portrayed here and an in-your-face attitude and the songs are furious and up-tempo, extremely aggressive but at the same time super tight and catchy. This is aggro-metalcore at its finest and is destined to bang that head that doesn’t bang”.
METAL HAMMER (UK) magazine:
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