HEART: Dreamboat Annie LP on Mushroom Records U.S.A. 1976 gatefold cover + inner. Check the exclusive video of the LP for sale! Magic Man, Crazy On You. Check videos


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Check the exclusive video of the LP for sale!

AUDIO REVIEW:  https://voca.ro/mtE7ZbWgpYk


The first Heart album was both a million-selling hit and an artistic triumph, featuring three signature songs that would become classic rock anthems: the rollicking Crazy On You, the funky Magic Man and the gentle title track. Guitarist Roger Fisher, a founding member of pre-Heart band The Army, was still present, but it was Ann and Nancy who were calling the shots. Only they were on the album’s cover, and they were doing the lion’s share of the songwriting. Much attention was paid to the sleeve by certain sleazy factions of the notoriously sexist music industry – the artwork showed Ann and Nancy bare-shouldered and back to back – and before they knew it it was being suggested in the press that they were lesbian sisters.

There were echoes of Zeppelin in Heart’s blend of hard rock and folk-inspired acoustic textures. But as this album proved, Heart had their own unique style.

The album was first released in Canada by the small Mushroom Records label. It was first picked up for radio play by a station in Montreal while the band was on tour playing small club dates. The groups first radio success earned them a spot opening a Montreal show for Rod Stewart. More Canadian airplay soon followed, due in part to the fact that the album helped stations to fulfil their Canadian content broadcast requirements. The album sold an impressive 30,000 copies across Canada in its first a few months. Mushroom then formed a U.S. division and released Dreamboat Annie on Valentines Day 1976 in the Seattle area, where Hearts members had lived and played before relocating to Canada in the early 1970s. The album was played by Seattle stations KISW and KZOK and promptly sold another 25,000 copies in the local area. The group and their label then began working together to build success for the album city by city. According to Flicker, this was part of a plan to convince record distributors that Mushroom had a hit record, so that the album would get national distribution.

Subsequent events
However, the groups relationship with the label began to deteriorate. Mushroom paid for an advertising campaign celebrating the sales of Dreamboat Annie which read “It was only our first time” and showing a photo of Ann & Nancy Wilson leaning up against each other with only heads and bare shoulders visible, as on the cover of the album. The band had not been consulted and was furious with this. Hence, relations were already strained when the group and the label tried to re-negotiate their contract. With the success of Dreamboat Annie, the group expected the label to raise their royalty rate substantially. However, Mushroom refused to pay more money and said it did not want to release a second Heart album.
Placed in the position of presenting this unacceptable offer to the group, Flicker broke off negotiations with Mushroom. The group left the label, believing that their contract allowed them to do so as long as Flicker was no longer working with the label.
Mushroom decided that the contract allowed it to release a second Heart album anyway, so it created and released Magazine using material created prior to the band leaving the label. Meanwhile, Heart were in the process of releasing Little Queen with their new record company Portrait Records. Heart took Mushroom to court over Magazine, wanting the album taken off the market. The court ruled that Mushroom had to recall Magazine so that the group could remix several tracks and re-do vocals before re-releasing the disc. Hence, two versions of Magazine were released, one before the release of Little Queen, and a remixed version after the release of Little Queen. See Magazine for information about the differences between the two versions.
In 1980 Mushroom Records went out of business. Hearts two albums from the label were re-released by Capitol Records in 1985 after the band moved to that label.

1976  U.S.A.
MRS-5005 Mushroom Records
Track Listings
1. Magic Man (5:35)
2. Dreamboat Annie (Fantasy Child)
3. Crazy On You
4. Soul Of The Sea
5. Dreamboat Annie
6. White Lightning And Wine
7. (Love Me Like Music) I’ll Be Your Song
8. Sing Child

9. How Deep It Goes
10. Dreamboat Annie (Reprise)

After futzing around Seattle and Vancouver for a few years, Heart finally secured a record deal in 1976. It wasn’t with Epic or Capitol (which they would later sign with), but with a tiny Canadian label called Mushroom. The resulting album, Dreamboat Annie, was an impressive hard rock debut. “Crazy on You,” which spotlighted the piercing vocals of singer Ann Wilson and the chunky guitar bluster of her sister Nancy, entered the top 40, and the more mystical “Magic Man” climbed to No. 9. Dreamboat Annie also exposed a more vulnerable side of the band: the title track, for example, was an easy listening, harmony-laden folk song replete with banjo plucks.

5.0 out of 5 stars classic rock and beautiful vocals
I first heard Heart back in the seventies, and this album was their finest. A classic mixture of powerful, soaring female vocals and guitar-led rock, with the occasional acoustic interlude, the whole thing hangs together beautifully. If this music doesn’t make you feel something, get a medical check-up pronto !!!

5.0 out of 5 stars One of the greatest debuts of all time
In the mid seventies, two sisters named Ann and Nancy Wilson joined an all-male group that had previously gone under the name Army and White Heart. Although they had joined an all-male group, they quickly became the dominant members of the band. The band name was changed to Heart, and they eventually got a record deal – but it was on a little-known Canadian label known as Mushroom. The bands debut release, Dreamboat Annie, was released in 1976. How would this album fare in a world in which rock and roll was mostly considered a male-oriented genre? Read on for my review.

To put it simply, this is an excellent album. Although only ten tracks and forty mintues long, the album covers a lot of musical ground. The band manages to combine the classic hard rock stylings of the day with softer, more folk-oriented ones. This makes for a listening experience that is pleasing from start to finish. The first two big hits that the band scored, Crazy On You and Magic Man, can be found on this LP. But, as with most bands, there are many equally-good songs that aren’t as popular. A good example of this is the bluesy rocker, White Lightning And Wine. One of the really good soft tracks the album has to offer is the sorely-underrated Soul Of The Sea. But the true attraction here would have to be the title track. Dreamboat Annie (the song) is divided into three, non-continuous parts which follow the same basic formula but throw in just enough new elements to keep things fresh. Many people call this album an essential rock classic, and why not? It rocks! Whoever says women can’t rock has obviously never listened to Heart. Their 1976 debut is one of their most popular albums, and one of their best ones, as well. If you’re a fan of the band, or just of classic rock in general, this is one of those albums you really can’t go wrong with.

5.0 out of 5 stars One of the true greats,
All of Hearts first four studio albums are absolute classics. Folk, Rock and Blues combined to create an unforgettable experience. Dreamboat Annie, their amazing debut, featuring live favorites like ‘Magic Man,’ ‘Crazy on You,’ and ‘White Lighting and Wine,’ is one of the finest rock albums ever released.
As with all early Heart albums, the mixture of female vocals with fantasy lyrics and biting hard rock is impressive, memorable and undeniably fun.
There is no real filler on the disc, with the three versions of Title Track and the proggy soul of the Sea,’ showing off the bands impressive musical chops and songs like sing Child Sing,’ exploring the heavy Rock that made Heart such a force to be reckoned with, you can’t really go wrong here.
A highly recommended album, in fact its a lot of Heart Fans hands down favorite.

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Weight 0.25 kg


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