Furnaze – Laim Brain Society – Germany – 1999
Genre: Thrash Metal
Label: Self-production
Playing time: 26:11
Suicide Crime
Guinea Pig
It really seems that Thrash Metal is celebrating a renaissance, as the German/Belgian trio of FURNAZE is another band of this genre.
With “Laim Brain Society” they offer us a self-produced 5-tracker. Musically we can find partly aggressive, partly more melodic Thrash Metal with genre-typical vocals, which sometimes remind me of a more thrashy version THUDNERHEADs Ted Bullet.
As the opener “Anger” starts quite calmly, it soon turns into a crunchy, but not too heavy kind of Thrash, while “Ignorance” and “Rage” are a whole lot more aggressive and faster.
So for a debut this CD is really “worth the money”. These guys really deserve a chance.
This is pure metal as it should be. They make even the lamest metalhead want to mosh like grunge never went to number and the members of Linkin Park never picked up instruments. Before the mainstream soaked heavy music in mediocrity we all shared a secret. Hidden behind the hairspray and power ballads there were bands like Furnaze lurking in the background and keeping real metal alive.
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