FREAK OF NATURE: Turn the other way + Rescue Me CD Promo 1993. White Lion singer (great vocals). CHECK VIDEOS!


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These guys ruled back in the? 90s. Shame they never got the recognition they deserved. Classic band, classic tunes. Mike Tramp was a real star. Saw him live with FON and White Lion and he never failed to entertain.

Mike Tramp vocals
Jerry Best bass [also with Lion]
Kenny Korade lead guitar
Johnny Haro drums
Dennis Chick lead guitar [also with House of Lords]

After the breakup of White Lion, singer Mike Tramp wasted no time putting together a new band – Freak of Nature. Tramp obviously saw the hair metal party coming to an abrupt end, adopting an image far more suited to a Seattle grunge band than another L.A. party rock band.

Tramp may have traded in the spandex and hairspray for flannel and denim, but the sound – at least on the bands 1993 self-titled debut – is the same kind of melodic rock that White Lion was so well known for. Sure, some of the pop metal elements are gone (you won’t find another Wait here), but the music is very melodic and still very much a product of the L.A. rock scene. You’re going to hear this and think White Lion a lot quicker than you are Pearl Jam. I think Tramp was on to something here, at least more so than anything else hes worked on since White Lions demise.

In the end, Freak of Nature proved far less successful than White Lion, and nowhere near “alternative” enough to adapt to the 90s changing musical landscape. Still, fans of Tramps work in White Lion will find a lot to love about this album. Its a perfectly good melodic rock album that managed to avoid the clichés of the hair metal scene while retaining the musical elements that made us love that kind of music in the first place.

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