EVER SINCE: Fight the elements Digipak CD. Great Death Metal with some melodies. Check audio samples and video


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Great Death Metal with some melodies. Digi pak CD

not only the production is good, the music also sounds fine. The fast and pounding parts of their music are completed with violins and synthesizers. They give the music an elegant and melodic layer. Nice double bass parts, good guitar solos, solid songs and a raspy throat; it all sounds nice. This is a band that could really make it in the world of extreme metal. If you look at the professional appearance of the digipak CD and listen to the six well-played songs, one can only conclude that the outcome is very positive. I think we will definitely hear again from this Swiss band.

Vocal: Fabrice Terrettaz
Guitar: Vincent Zermatten
Guitar: Ismael Roig
Bass: Yves Coppey
Drums: Cedric Monnet
Keyboards: Jean-Philippe Lana

SAMPLES:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/fight-the-elements-ep/id626671228 

OR  https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Ever_Since_Fight_the_Elements_EP?id=Bjzjeyhnhu2lv74qtd4qyyu26hi&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImFsYnVtLUJqempleWhuaHUybHY3NHF0ZDRxeXl1MjZoaSJd
1. Burning inside 06:22
2. Heart of ice 06:25
3. Brainstorm 02:07
4. Back to life 07:02
5. Who’ll save us? 07:42
6. A letter for the lady who haunts my nights 06:22
Total playing time 36:00

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Weight 0.1 kg


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