EPOCH OF UNLIGHT: What will be has been CD Barbaric Black Metal. Check audio


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It is a time of darkness; an age of horror; an
Epoch Of Unlight! The debut album of this hellish band from Tennessee What Will Be Has Been reveals a transcendent symbiosis, of Death and melodic Black Metal streaming to a euphoria of harshness and untamed brutality! Epoch Of Unlight take metal to new levels of extremity by feverishly carving musical plateaus with their blackish guitars, bloodcurdling vocals and stellar drumming! What Will Be Has Been offers nothing less but unrelenting dark metal excellence!

Check all samples:  https://music.apple.com/gb/album/what-will-be-has-been/775731566


01. Ad Infinitum
02. Undone Within
03. Silver Mistress
04. Burning As One
05. … What Will Be Has Been
06. Crimson Might (And Glory)
07. (From Northern Aeries To) The Infinite Cycle Of The Unborn Lord
08. The Day The Light Hath Died
09. Conflagration Of Hate
10. Immortal Crucify
Running time

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent display of what black metal should be!
Hail! Anyone interested in black metal should buy this CD! One of the best displays of metal guitar I’ve ever heard!
5.0 out of 5 stars Ad Infinitum
Blistering debut album from this blackened/ death metal outfit from Memphis, TN. Features a stunning performance on percussion by Tino LoSicco.
5.0 out of 5 stars Purchase this masterpiece!
Bought this CD after only hearing a few 30 sec. samples and I am glad I did! This is one of THE BEST Black/Death Metal CD’s ever! You better buy 2 because you may wear the first one out! Killer!
5.0 out of 5 stars What Will Be Has Been by Epoch of Unlight
The fastest and most energized drumming I’ve ever come across and the vocals are both wrenching and erotic at the same time. It’s so different and exciting. Keep it up guys!
5.0 out of 5 stars Buy This Masterpiece!
Purchased this CD after hearing only a couple 30 sec. audio demo’s and trust me I am glad I did! This is Death Black Metal at it’s most definite BEST! You better buy 2 because you may wear out the first one! Killer!

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