1. Meat Wallet (6:20)
2. Afterbirth BORGO PASS(4:24)
3. Drunkards Doom (3:48)
4. Off the Kings Head (5:51)
5. Kitchen (5:02)
6. Bellysmack (2:14)
7. Second Story (5:27)
8. Saloon Burn (2:42)
9. Revelation (5:26)
10. Beer Garden (6:08)
11. Red Eye (live, CBGB) (4:27)
Total Time: 51:53
Thank you God, thank you! It is bands like this that restore my faith in “underground” bands and releases. Very often one has to gring, while listening to releases from “underground” bands. This is definitely not the case here, I can assure you. In fact these guys would deserve way more than the “underground” heroes tag. They deserve to be signed to major label and really get heard ourside their hometown (N.Y City) and their homecountry the U.S., because I feel that they have great potential. (Not just music wise, but commerical potential too).
It is quite hard to pigeonhole them really as they combine elements from established (Stoner, Metal, grunge) bands that have music styles that are very different to each other. What is very exciting though is that they have
managed to combine those elements without really copying any other band. In fact they have managed to successfully combine that stuff and come up with something that is fresh, exciting, varied, emotional, energetic and very
high class.
Every single song is a little diamond. From higly energetic rockers to ultra emotional slower stuff -that some people might call “ballads” – they manage
to impress the listener no end.
Amazing release! Buy this masterpiece before it gets sold out!
New York is still a place where some good bands like SLOW HORSE or BOTTOM are around and BORGO PASS is another heavy band that comes out of the big apple. “Powered By Sludge” is their self-financed debut but don´t get confused with the name and the album title…
BORGO PASS have nothing in common with acts like GRIEF or EYEHATEGOD. They combine elements of 80´s and early 90´s Hardrock (some call it “grunge”) from acts like GRUNTRUCK or SKINYARD with 70´s Heavyrock and a little bit from the heaviness of BLACK FLAG. “Meat Wallet” is a very powerful and catchy opener and one of the best tracks from the whole album.
But a song like “Beer Garden” is very relaxed, filled with a 70´s Progressive Heavy Rock vibe or, as the last example, “Afterbirth or Kitchen” which is a bluesy and melancholic song and all in all BORGO PASS are playing their heavy music with a lot of passion and some good song ideas. All in all I must say that “Powered By Sludge” is a solid album and you can order it directly from the BORGO PASS website.
Sludge comes in oh so many different forms, I’m learning in my position as heshrock scribe. Theres the really think, soupy stuff ala’ Eyehategod and the now- defunct Iron Monkey. Then there is the “melodious sludge” which is capable of the same thick soupiness, but is tempered by the addition of a maraschino cherry floating amongst the debris.
The latter is the type of sludge pioneered by New Yorks Borgo Pass. Its capable of driving, down-tuned dirge as in the first track “Meat Wallet” (great story behind the title for this one…a reference to a gig, a girl, and a see-through dress) and “Afterbirth”, as well as acoustic-based beauty in “Second Story” and “Beer Garden”. Throw in a little slow-mo supah-sludge with “Drunkards Doom” and some thrashsludge with “Bellysmack” and you’ve got yourself….an….errr…sludge salad! Lots of variety here to keep the listener entertained, happy, and drooling. Like audio Thorazine. Thats Borgo Pass.
Lemme tell ya, the first three tracks off the album: “Meat Wallet”, “Afterbirth”, and “Drunkards Doom” are worth the price of admission alone…some of the most emotional charged, rocking and original tunes laid to disc in my extremely humble opinion. If you aren’t singing “…Saw the face of God today…always in the way….” along with Ed and the boys, then I’m throwing away my handmade set of Heshrock Scribe credentials. Ok, so I’m not a big fan of the thrashiness of “Off The Kings Head” or “Bellysmack”. Thats only two out of eleven tracks. Thats a pretty good ratio for any review. Especially one done by an obvious a-hole such as myself.
One of the many things that stands out about Borgo Pass, aside from the obvious talent of the band, is that they have recruited a great talent in the voice of Ed Sebastian. Hes got a fantastic voice, a nice cross between a mellow John Garcia and a full-throttle Lane Statley. This is no studio trickery either, as he sounds just as good on live track “Red Eye”. Better pick this release up quick before Ed joins a boy-band and goes on a mall tour.
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