BERNIE TORME: Are we there yet? LP. 12 songs, 3 covers by The Undertones “Teenage Kicks”, Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop. L.A. GUNS / Girl singer. Check audio


Bernie Tormé – Guitar Legend hred master/ Sleaze Rock Frontman is known for saving the day for Ozzy Osbourne in the aftermath of Randy Rhoad’s tragic death, hits, world tours & international fame as Ian Gillan’s axe-man, 

forming Desperado with Dee Snider, & ex Maiden drummer Clive Burr, and his own band Electric Gypsies & Torme … Continue reading BERNIE TORME: Are we there yet? LP. 12 songs, 3 covers by The Undertones “Teenage Kicks”, Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop. L.A. GUNS / Girl singer. Check audio

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